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Dental insurance health care plans, no dental insurance, and need help.


Urgent matter: My dear friend desperately needs immediate dental health care.  The issue is she lacks dental insurance, as her workplace only covers health, not dental.  She attempted to arrange a payment plan at the dental office, but her credit score was insufficient for them to offer her one.

Her teeth are in a dire state, and they cause her occasional pain. I suggested she go to the hospital for emergency care, but all they did was provide her with something for the pain and advised her to see a dentist.  This situation is causing her immense distress, and it deeply saddens me to see her this way. Please advise if there is anything she could do to get some dental help.    

Reply: I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s difficult situation. Regrettably, she’s dealing with dental issues while facing obstacles to getting the care she needs. Dental health is so important, and it’s concerning to hear that her teeth are causing her pain.

One option to consider is looking for dental schools in the area. Many dental schools offer low-cost or sliding-scale dental care provided by supervised students. Another option is to contact local community health centers or free clinics that may provide dental services on a sliding fee scale based on income. Some charitable organizations also offer those in need free or low-cost dental care.

Additionally, she could explore dental discount plans, which are membership-based programs that offer discounts on dental care at participating providers. While not insurance, these plans can help reduce the cost of dental procedures.

It’s also worth contacting different dental offices to inquire about any charitable programs or payment options they may offer. Some dentists are willing to work with patients on payment plans or may have information about local resources for reduced-cost or pro bono dental care.

She may want to explore purchasing a low-cost HMO dental insurance plan to ensure that she has coverage for routine dental care at an affordable price. This type of plan typically requires you to choose a primary dentist from a network of providers, and they will be responsible for coordinating your dental care. Be sure to compare different plans to find one that meets her needs and budget.

She could consider contacting social services or community organizations for assistance, as they may provide information about available resources or direct her to programs that can help her.

Finally, consider creating a fundraiser or seeking financial assistance through crowdfunding platforms to cover dental care costs. Fundraisers can involve contacting friends, family, and your community to ask for support in covering the expenses of necessary dental treatments. Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe provide an accessible way to collect donations and rally support for your cause. Additionally, sharing your story and explaining the importance of the dental care you need can help encourage others to contribute to your fundraiser.

These suggestions can provide some options for your friend to consider. Your help and support are crucial in this urgent situation. She needs to seek the dental care she needs, and I truly hope she finds a solution soon.

So you can see your friend has some options that could help her with her dental care needs. While it may take some effort to research and explore these options, it’s well worth the effort to address her current dental situation.

One potential option to consider is looking into individual dental insurance plans. offers a wide range of dental insurance plans, including lower-cost options such as HMO plans with monthly premiums ranging from $7.95 to $19.95. These plans could provide your friend access to affordable dental care and help alleviate some of the financial burdens of necessary dental treatments.

I encourage your friend to give our office a call at 310-534-3444. Our team would be happy to discuss the different plan options with her and provide personalized assistance to get her started with a dental insurance plan that best fits her needs.

Taking proactive steps to secure dental insurance could make a significant difference in ensuring your friend receives the necessary dental care. It’s essential to explore all available resources and options, and we are here to support her in making informed decisions about her dental health.

Exploring Affordable Dental Care Options: Considerations for Seeking Treatment at Dental Schools

Finding a dental school for lower-cost dental care is an excellent option for individuals needing affordable dental treatments. Dental schools often offer reduced-cost or sliding-scale dental care performed by supervised dental students. Here are the steps to find a dental school and what to know when considering this option:

1. Research Nearby Dental Schools: Research dental schools in your area. You can use search engines or contact local dental associations to find a list of accredited dental schools. Make sure to compile a list of schools within a reasonable distance from your location.

2. Contact the Dental Schools: Reach out to the dental schools on your list to inquire about their programs for low-cost dental care. Ask about the services they provide, the costs involved, and any specific eligibility criteria. Make sure to confirm if they offer the specific dental treatments you require.

3. Understand the Supervision Process: When considering dental care at a dental school, it’s essential to understand that supervised dental students perform the treatments. Inquire about the level of supervision and the experience of the supervising faculty. Doing so will help ensure that the care provided is high quality.

4. Discuss the Payment Structure: Get clarity on the payment structure and any associated costs. Dental schools typically offer services at a reduced price, but it’s essential to understand the fees involved and the accepted forms of payment. Inquire if they offer payment plans to make the cost more manageable.

5. Confirm Appointment Availability: Check the availability of appointments for the specific treatments you need. It’s important to know if there are waiting lists or if they can accommodate your dental care needs within a reasonable timeframe.

6. Review Patient Policies: Understand the patient policies of the dental school, including appointment scheduling, cancellation policies, and any pre-appointment requirements. Understanding the policies ensures a smooth experience when accessing dental care at the school.

7. Consider the Quality of Care: While dental schools offer affordable care, it’s crucial to consider the quality of care provided. Research the reputation of the dental school, read reviews, and consider speaking to current or past patients about their experiences.

Accessing Affordable Dental Care: A Guide to Community Health Centers and Free Clinics

Finding and contacting a local community health center or free clinic offering dental services on a sliding fee scale based on income can be an essential step toward affordable dental care. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Research: Research community health centers and free clinics in your area. You can use online resources such as the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website or local community health center directories to find contact information for these facilities.

2. Contact: Once you’ve identified a few options, contact them directly. You can call their administrative offices or visit their websites for contact information. When contacting them, inquire about their dental services and whether they offer a sliding fee scale based on income.

3. Ask Questions: When speaking with the staff at the community health center or free clinic, ask specific questions about their dental services, such as the types of treatments they offer, the cost structure, and how the sliding fee scale is determined.

4. Verify Eligibility: Inquire about the eligibility criteria for the sliding fee scale program. Community health centers and free clinics typically consider income, family size, and insurance status when determining eligibility for discounted services.

5. Appointment Scheduling: If the community health center or free clinic offers dental services on a sliding fee scale and you meet the eligibility criteria, schedule an appointment for a dental examination or treatment.

When visiting a community health center or free clinic for dental services, it’s essential to keep the following in mind:

1. Documentation: Be prepared to provide documentation of your income, residency, and insurance status, if applicable. Documentation may include pay stubs, tax returns, and identification documents.

2. Payment: Even though the fees may be on a sliding scale, be prepared to make a payment at the time of your visit. Ask about accepted payment methods and any financial assistance programs that may be available.

3. Appointment Availability: Community health centers and free clinics often have a high demand for their services, so be flexible with scheduling and patients with potential waiting times.

4. Collaborative Care: Community health centers and free clinics may offer various medical and dental services, so consider leveraging these resources for comprehensive care beyond just dental treatment.

Remember, community health centers and free clinics are crucial in providing affordable dental care for individuals and families with limited financial means. By reaching out and exploring your options, you can take a proactive step toward maintaining good oral health without breaking the bank.

Dental Discount Plans: Affordable Solutions for Quality Dental Care

Dental discount plans are membership-based programs designed to give individuals and families access to discounted dental care. These plans offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional dental insurance and can save you money on various dental procedures.

How do dental discount plans work? When you enroll in a dental discount plan, you pay an annual or monthly membership fee to access a network of participating dentists and dental specialists who have agreed to provide services at reduced rates. These discounted rates are typically pre-negotiated between the plan administrators and the participating providers, offering members significant savings on dental treatments.

Unlike traditional dental insurance plans, dental discount plans do not involve deductibles, copayments, or annual spending limits. Once you become a member, you can schedule appointments with participating dentists and specialists and receive discounted rates directly during service. This allows you to access dental care at reduced prices without the hassle of claim submissions or waiting for reimbursements.

What services are typically covered by dental discount plans? Dental discount plans commonly offer savings on preventive, basic, and major dental procedures, including routine cleanings, fillings, extractions, root canals, crowns, dentures, and more. Members can benefit from substantial discounts on essential and elective dental treatments, making it a convenient and budget-friendly option for maintaining good oral health.

Can dental discount plans save you money on your dental care? Dental discount plans can be an excellent way to save money on dental expenses. With the ability to access discounted rates on various dental services, members can enjoy cost savings compared to paying full price for treatments out-of-pocket. Additionally, dental discount plans are particularly beneficial for individuals and families who do not have dental insurance coverage and are seeking affordable options for managing their oral health care needs.

At, we provide dental discount plans as a low-cost dental care option to help individuals and families access quality dental care at reduced rates. Our dental discount plans offer a convenient way to save on dental treatments and procedures at a network of participating dental providers.

If you have any questions about how dental discount plans work, the types of services covered, or how to enroll in a plan, we are here to help. Please feel free to call us at 310-534-3444 to speak with a member of our team who can provide detailed information and personalized assistance to guide you through choosing a dental discount plan that meets your specific needs.

Choosing a dental discount plan from is an effective way to access affordable dental care and take proactive steps to support your oral health without incurring high out-of-pocket costs. We’re committed to helping you find a cost-effective solution for your dental care needs, and we look forward to assisting you in exploring the benefits of dental discount plans.

Empower Your Smile: Fundraising for Essential Dental Care

Starting a GoFundMe account to raise funds for dental care can be a powerful way to gather support and financial assistance from friends, family, and even compassionate strangers. Dental care is a vital aspect of overall health and well-being, and unfortunately, the costs can often be prohibitive for those in need. Here’s how to create a compelling and successful GoFundMe campaign to help cover dental care costs.

1. Crafting a Compelling Story: Begin by sharing your personal story and the impact your dental issues have on your life. Explain how your current dental health affects your daily life and causes you distress. Your narrative should be genuine, heartfelt, and transparent. Highlighting your challenges and expressing your genuine need for support can resonate with potential donors.

2. Setting a Realistic Fundraising Goal: Be transparent about the specific costs of the dental treatments you require. Itemize the costs for procedures, consultations, medications, or other relevant expenses. Set a realistic fundraising goal that aligns with the estimated costs and clearly communicate how the funds will be used. Donors are more likely to contribute when they understand where their money will go.

3. Compelling Visuals: Incorporate compelling visuals into your GoFundMe page. High-quality photos or videos can visually represent your situation and add depth to your story. Include images that convey the impact of your dental issues and your journey towards seeking treatment. Personal photos can help potential donors connect with your cause more emotionally.

4. Engaging and Transparent Updates: Keep your supporters informed about your progress and any developments related to your dental care. Provide regular updates that showcase the impact of their donations. Sharing positive news, milestones, or even challenges you’ve overcome can help maintain engagement and trust with your donors.

5. Connecting with Your Community: Leverage the power of social media and personal networks to amplify your GoFundMe campaign. Share your story across multiple platforms and encourage friends and family to share it as well. Personal messages, phone calls, and in-person outreach can also effectively garner support. People who see that others in their network support your cause may be more inclined to contribute.

6. Expressing Gratitude: Show appreciation and gratitude to every donor, regardless of contribution size. Personalized thank-you messages or acknowledgments can foster a sense of connection and strengthen the bond between you and your supporters. Let them know the impact their support is having on your journey to better dental health.

7. Providing Validation: Consider sharing any documentation or estimates from dental professionals to validate the specific treatments and associated costs. Transparency and credibility are essential in building trust with potential donors.

By following these steps and creating a compelling, transparent, and engaging GoFundMe campaign, you can effectively rally support and raise funds to address your dental care needs. Remember, people are often eager to help when they see a genuine need and a compelling, well-documented request for assistance.

We sincerely hope this post has provided valuable insights and answers regarding dental care for your friend. If you or your friend have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 310-534-3444. We are dedicated to providing assistance and guidance in any way we can, and we would be more than happy to help. Your dental health is important to us, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for your trust in

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Tips for Obtaining a Second Opinion on Dental Treatments with Insurance Coverage


Welcome to! We understand that dental health care is crucial and can be costly. That’s why we offer dental insurance to help with your dental care needs. If you’re concerned about a specific treatment plan or need clarification on the proposed course of action, you may want to seek a second dental opinion. Seeking a second opinion can equip you with additional information, enabling you to make an informed decision about your dental health. It can also reassure you and ensure you receive the best care possible. If you are interested in learning more about our dental insurance plans, please call us at 310-534-3444.

When should you get a second dental opinion?

Our previous post highlighted the empowering act of seeking a second dental opinion. It’s not about questioning your dentist’s expertise, but about taking charge of your dental health. Seeking a second opinion can equip you with additional information, enabling you to make an informed decision about your dental health. It can also reassure you and ensure you receive the best care possible.

It’s important to recognize that trust is a cornerstone in the dentist-patient relationship. For minor dental health care issues such as a small cavity or a routine cleaning, seeking a second opinion may not be necessary. In such cases, it is best to have faith in your dentist’s expertise and follow their recommendations, knowing they have your best interests at heart.

Suppose you are concerned about a specific treatment plan or need clarification on the proposed course of action. In that case, seeking a second opinion from another qualified dental professional is always a good idea. To do this, you can ask your current dentist for a copy of your dental records, including X-rays and treatment plans. Then, you can schedule an appointment with another dentist to review these records and discuss your concerns. A second opinion can help you better understand your dental health, explore alternative treatment options, and make an informed decision about your care. Here are a few reasons you may want to seek a second opinion.  

  • Your dentist has diagnosed a significant health care problem, such as oral cancer. Receiving a diagnosis of a major health issue, such as oral cancer, can be overwhelming and concerning. Seeking a second opinion from a different dentist can be a wise decision to confirm the initial diagnosis and explore other possible treatment options. Taking immediate action and seeking medical attention to address the problem and begin the required treatment plan is essential. Remember to take care of yourself and follow the advice of your healthcare professionals.  
  • If your dentist has provided dental work but is not fixing your problem, consider getting a second opinion. Sometimes, dental issues can become complicated, and your dentist may need answers to all the questions. Seeking a second opinion is a good idea because it can help you get a fresh perspective on your dental situation and provide you with new options for treatment. Additionally, it can give you peace of mind knowing that you have explored all possible options and have made an informed decision about your dental care. It’s important to remember that getting a second opinion does not mean you are questioning your dentist’s expertise. Instead, it’s a way to ensure you receive the best care for your dental needs. 
  • If you need more certainty about a recommended dental treatment or are worried about the associated costs, seeking a second opinion can be wise. It’s important to note that some dental insurance plans may cover the cost of a second opinion, so it’s worth checking with your provider. Having questions or concerns about your dental care is normal, and a second opinion can provide you with the additional information and peace of mind you need to make an informed decision about your oral health.
  • It can be pretty concerning when you feel your dentist may need a more qualified professional to address your major dental health issues. Confidence in your dentist’s abilities and expertise is crucial, mainly when dealing with more complex dental problems. Suppose you’re experiencing doubts about your dentist’s qualifications or feel they need more experience to treat your condition. In that case, it’s essential to seek a second opinion from a trusted dental professional. This will help you make an informed decision about your oral health and ensure you receive the best care. Remember, your dental health is critical, and you deserve peace of mind knowing you’re receiving the highest quality care available.
  • Having a good rapport with your dentist is essential to ensure you receive the best care for your oral health. However, if you feel that you do not have a good rapport with your current dentist, it can be pretty unsettling and even lead to anxiety. Having a dentist who listens to your concerns, explains procedures clearly, and makes you feel comfortable during your appointments is essential. If you are unsatisfied with your current dentist, consider finding a new one who can meet your needs and build a better relationship with you.

The Importance of Accessing Your Dental Records for Proper Oral Health Care

It’s important to note that your dental records are an essential tool to ensure proper oral health and receive accurate diagnoses. If you are looking for a second opinion, but your current dentist refuses to provide you with your dental records, knowing that you have the right to access them under HIPAA is essential. You can request your records directly from the dental office where you received treatment, and they must provide them to you within a reasonable timeframe.

However, you can file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights if you face difficulty obtaining your dental records. This organization is responsible for enforcing the HIPAA privacy rule, which outlines the standards for protecting the privacy of individuals’ health information.

Having your dental records available for a second opinion is important, as they contain essential information about your dental health, including X-rays, treatment plans, and medical history. This information lets you ensure that your new dentist completely understands your oral health status and provides the most accurate diagnosis and treatment options. So, always keep a copy of your dental records and update them regularly to ensure the best care for your oral health.

Tips for Obtaining a Second Opinion on Dental Treatments with Insurance Coverage

Many dental insurance plans cover the cost of a second opinion, but it’s always best to verify the coverage with your insurance carrier. Some plans may require pre-authorization or have specific guidelines for seeking a second opinion. Understanding your plan’s coverage and requirements is essential to avoid any surprises or out-of-pocket expenses. 

Before scheduling an appointment with another dentist, contact your insurance carrier and ask about their policy regarding second opinions. They can provide information about the specific coverage and any requirements you must meet. This can include obtaining a referral from your primary dentist or submitting a written request for a second opinion. 

Verifying that the second opinion dentist is in-network with your insurance plan is also essential. While many plans cover second opinions, they may only cover them from in-network providers. You can usually find a list of in-network providers on your insurance carrier’s website or by calling their customer service line. 

Overall, seeking a second opinion can be a wise decision for your dental health, and many insurance plans recognize its importance by covering the cost. However, verifying the coverage with your insurance carrier is always best to avoid any unexpected expenses. Remember, oral health is essential; you deserve the best care possible.

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How to Stop Your Child’s Thumb-Sucking Habit for Good: Tips and Tricks from


Welcome to! We offer dental insurance and provide dental healthcare news and tips to help you and your family maintain optimal oral health. Today, we’ll be discussing how thumb sucking is a natural reflex for infants and babies, providing them with a sense of comfort and security. While it can be a relaxing habit for young children, it can lead to dental issues if it continues beyond a certain age. This article will explore effective ways to help your child stop thumb-sucking for good. Contact us at 310-534-3444 to learn more about our dental insurance plans and how we can help you and your family maintain healthy smiles!

Thumb sucking is an entirely natural reflex for infants and babies, as it provides them with a sense of comfort and security. Babies often use their fingers or pacifiers to help soothe themselves and feel at ease. Thumb and finger sucking can also be a relaxing habit for babies and toddlers that can help them fall asleep more easily.

However, thumb and finger sucking can become a problem when it continues after the eruption of the permanent teeth. Thumb sucking can affect the growth of the mouth and the proper placement of the new teeth. While also providing comfort, Pacifiers can have the same effect on the mouth as finger-sucking. However, pacifiers can be easier to control than finger habits.

It is important to note that thumb and finger sucking is a natural and common habit for young children, but it should be limited to the first few years of life. Experts generally advise parents to encourage their children to stop thumb-sucking between ages 2-4, when their permanent teeth begin to emerge. If the habit continues beyond this age, it can lead to dental issues such as misalignment of the teeth, changes to the roof of the mouth, and other problems that may require orthodontic treatment.

Effective Ways to Help Your Child Stop Thumb-Sucking for Good

Thumb-sucking is common among young children, but it can lead to dental problems if it continues beyond 2-4 years. As a parent, you must help your child break this habit to ensure their oral health. Here are some practical ways to help a child stop thumb-sucking:

1. Positive Reinforcement: Encouraging your child to stop thumb-sucking by offering rewards and praise for progress can be an effective way to motivate your child to break the habit. As a parent, it is essential to understand that breaking a habit is not an overnight process and requires patience and persistence. You can start by talking to your child and explaining to them why thumb-sucking is not suitable for their teeth. You can also encourage and praise your child for quitting the habit. 

2. Distraction Techniques: Distraction techniques are also an effective way to help your child stop thumb-sucking. When you notice your child sucking their thumb, try to distract them with a toy or activity that they enjoy. Distracting them can help them forget about thumb-sucking and form new habits. 

3. Use Bitter-Tasting Nail Polish: Another effective technique is to use a bitter-tasting nail polish specifically designed to help children break the habit of thumb-sucking. This nail polish has a bitter taste that discourages the child from putting their thumb in their mouth. 

4. Talk to Your Child: Explain why thumb-sucking is unsuitable for their teeth and encourage them to stop. You can start by explaining to your child that sucking their thumb can cause their teeth to become misaligned or shift out of position. These issues can lead to speech problems, difficulty chewing, and even jaw pain. It is also important to emphasize that breaking this habit is crucial to avoid these potential problems in the future.

5. Use Gloves or Bandages:  Covering your child’s thumb with a glove or bandage can help them stop thumb-sucking. Breaking the habit can be effective, especially when dealing with a young child.

6. Seek Professional Help: If your child has difficulty breaking the thumb-sucking habit, seek professional help. A dentist or pediatrician can provide guidance and support to help your child stop thumb-sucking.

Remember, breaking a habit takes time and patience. Please encourage your child and offer positive reinforcement when they make progress. With your guidance and support, your child can break the thumb-sucking habit and ensure oral health.

In conclusion, thumb-sucking is a natural habit among young children, but it can lead to dental problems if it continues beyond a certain age. As a parent, you must help your child break this habit using positive reinforcement, distraction techniques, bitter-tasting nail polish, and other methods. You can help your child break the thumb-sucking habit and ensure oral health with patience and persistence.

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Mothers Dental Health – Dental Insurance Healthcare


It’s truly empowering to realize that a mother’s dental health significantly influences her children’s oral health. Studies have shown that mothers with poor dental health are more likely to pass on harmful bacteria that can lead to cavities in their children. However, the empowering truth is that mothers can reduce this risk and promote better dental health for themselves and their children.

Being proactive is the key, and one of the most crucial steps is prioritizing regular dental visits. This proactive approach can help identify potential issues early on and prevent them from escalating. Moreover, daily brushing and flossing, along with a healthy diet low in sugars and starches, can play a significant role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Choosing toothpaste with fluoride can also be beneficial, as fluoride can help strengthen tooth enamel and make it more resistant to decay. Rinsing daily with an alcohol-free rinse can further help reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride is a mineral that can prevent tooth decay by making the tooth enamel more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth.

It’s also important to avoid sharing eating utensils or other items that can transmit bacteria with your children. If you chew gum, choosing one with xylitol can help decrease your and your children’s risk of developing cavities.

Mothers can confidently protect their and their children’s dental health by taking these steps. Remember, prevention is the key to maintaining good oral health!

Tips for Mothers to Ensure Their Children’s Health and Safety: Preventing the Spread of Harmful Bacteria

Mothers must always take extra measures to ensure their children’s health and safety. In addition to the steps mentioned in the previous text, mothers can do a few more things to reduce the risk of passing harmful bacteria to their children.

Firstly, avoiding sharing toothbrushes with others is essential, as this can transfer bacteria from one person’s mouth to another. Instead, each family member should have their toothbrush replaced every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed.

Secondly, mothers should clean their children’s pacifiers and bottle nipples thoroughly to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. They can be sterilized with warm, soapy water after each use or in a dishwasher or sterilizer.

Finally, it’s important to stress the importance of hand washing in the family. Everyone should be encouraged to wash their hands regularly, especially before eating or handling food, after using the bathroom, and after touching pets or other people. This simple step can go a long way in preventing the spread of germs and reducing the risk of passing on harmful bacteria.

By following these additional measures, mothers can take active steps to ensure the health and safety of their children and their families.

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When Selecting a Dental Plan, You Have Various Options to Consider 


Shopping for dental insurance can be daunting, especially when you want to maintain your relationship with your trusted dentist. We understand that this is a common concern, and feeling overwhelmed is natural. But rest assured, we’re here to guide you through this process, ensuring that your relationship with your current dentist remains intact. Here are some valuable tips to help you navigate this process and find the right dental insurance or discount plan while ensuring you can continue your relationship with your current dentist.

Before embarking on your dental insurance search, it’s crucial to grasp the network of providers your dentist is associated with. This knowledge can significantly streamline your search, saving you valuable time and effort. Many people make the mistake of starting their online insurance hunt without this information, which can lead to wasted time and effort. Therefore, understanding the type of dental plans your dental office accepts before you begin your search is a key step.

The first step in your dental insurance journey is to inquire at your dental office about their network affiliations, particularly with dental HMO insurance or dental discount plans. If they are affiliated, find out what plans are available. This proactive approach can save you time by focusing your search on the acceptable options. It’s important to note that these plans do not offer outside-network options, so they are only beneficial if your dentist is a provider.

If your dentist is not a provider of any HMO or dental discount plans, your next option would be to get a Dental PPO or a Dental Indemnity insurance plan. Some plans do not have a network of providers, while others may permit you to seek care from providers outside their network database. However, it still helps to know if your dentist is a provider of any dental PPO plan because inside-network coverage can be better than outside-network coverage. Knowing this can be a helpful factor when reviewing dental PPO and Indemnity plans.

It’s crucial for you to consider the costs and benefits of each plan. Dental insurance plans can vary widely in price, coverage, and benefits, so it’s essential for you to research and compare different plans. This thorough understanding will empower you to find the one that best meets your needs and budget, ensuring you make a comfortable decision.

When shopping for dental insurance, it’s essential to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions of each plan. Some plans may restrict certain procedures or require pre-authorization for specific treatments, so it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you sign up.

In conclusion, shopping for dental insurance while trying to maintain your relationship with your current dentist can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips and researching, you can find the right dental insurance or discount plan that meets your needs and budget while maintaining your relationship with your current dentist. Remember, we’re here to support you through this process.

Understanding the Differences Between Dental PPO and Dental Indemnity Insurance Plans

Dental PPO and Dental Indemnity insurance plans are two common types of dental plans available in the market. While both types of plans provide coverage for dental care services, they differ in several ways. Understanding these differences is crucial as it empowers you to make an informed decision that best suits your needs and budget.

A Dental PPO plan typically has a network of participating dentists who have agreed to provide dental care services to plan members at a discounted rate. If you choose to visit a dentist outside of the network, your out-of-pocket expenses may be higher, and the plan may not cover the service’s total cost. However, dental PPO plans offer higher coverage for in-network services, and they typically have lower out-of-pocket costs than dental indemnity insurance plans.

On the other hand, a Dental Indemnity insurance plan typically does not have a network of participating dentists. Instead, you can visit any licensed dentist, and the plan will pay a percentage of the cost of the service. While this type of plan offers more flexibility regarding provider choice, it also has higher out-of-pocket costs. Dental indemnity plans may also require you to pay the full-service cost upfront and then submit a claim for reimbursement.

Dental PPO plans offer more in-network coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs but have a limited provider network. Dental indemnity insurance plans provide more provider choice and flexibility but have higher out-of-pocket costs and may require you to pay the full-service cost upfront. It’s essential to consider your dental care needs and budget when choosing between these plans.

Factors to Consider When Reviewing Dental PPO and Indemnity Plans

When reviewing dental PPO and Indemnity plans, there are several factors that you should consider. First, it’s essential to understand the provider network of each plan. Dental PPO plans have a network of participating dentists who have agreed to provide dental care services to plan members at a discounted rate. On the other hand, dental Indemnity insurance plans typically do not have a network of participating dentists, and you can visit any licensed dentist. 

Second, you should consider the coverage and benefits of each plan. Dental insurance plans can vary widely in coverage and benefits, so it’s essential to research and compare different plans. Dental PPO plans offer higher coverage for in-network services, and they typically have lower out-of-pocket costs than dental indemnity insurance plans. On the other hand, dental indemnity plans provide more flexibility regarding provider choice, but they have higher out-of-pocket costs.

Third, you should consider the costs of each plan. Dental insurance plans can vary widely in price, so it’s essential to research and compare different plans to find the one that best meets your needs and budget. Dental PPO plans are generally more expensive than dental indemnity insurance plans but offer more in-network coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs. Dental indemnity plans are usually less costly than dental PPO plans but have higher out-of-pocket costs.

Finally, it’s essential to read the fine print and understand the terms and conditions of each plan. Some plans may restrict certain procedures or require pre-authorization for specific treatments, so it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you sign up. Considering these factors, you can find the right dental insurance plan that meets your needs and budget.

Dental HMO vs. Dental Discount Plans: Choosing the Right Dental Insurance Plan for Your Needs and Budget

Understanding the differences between dental HMO and dental discount plans can help you choose the right dental insurance plan that best suits your needs and budget.

Dental HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plans typically require choosing a primary care dentist and receiving dental care only from dentists within the plan’s network. These plans have lower out-of-pocket costs and no deductibles, but you may have limited choices when choosing a dentist. Dental HMO plans are ideal for people who prefer a set structure and predictable costs for their dental care.

On the other hand, dental discount plans can be more flexible as they are not insurance plans but rather discount plans that offer reduced prices on dental services from a network of dentists. These plans have no deductible or annual limit on benefits, and you can see any dentist within the network. However, the discount rates may vary, and you’ll pay out of pocket for all dental services. Dental discount plans are ideal for people who don’t want to pay high monthly premiums and are comfortable paying for dental services out of pocket.

In summary, dental HMO plans offer lower costs but less choice in terms of dentists, while dental discount plans offer more flexibility but require you to pay for all dental services out of pocket. It’s important to carefully review the details of each plan and consider your dental needs and budget before making a decision.

Understanding Your Dental Insurance Coverage: What to Do If a Specific Procedure Is Not Covered

You can review the plan’s benefits summary or coverage documents to determine if a specific dental procedure is covered under a particular plan. You can also contact the dental insurance company’s customer service department or visit their website to check if the service is covered. It’s important to note that some dental insurance plans may require pre-authorization for specific procedures, so checking with the insurance provider before receiving the service is essential to avoid any unexpected out-of-pocket costs. In some cases, your dentist’s office can also assist you in determining if a specific procedure is covered under your dental plan. By doing your research and reaching out to the insurance company or your dentist, you can ensure that you have a clear understanding of what procedures are covered under your plan and what out-of-pocket costs you may incur.

You have several options if your dental insurance does not cover a desired dental service, such as teeth whitening. 

One option is to pay for the service out of pocket. Many dental offices offer teeth whitening services at a reasonable cost, and paying out of pocket can be a convenient way to get the treatment you want without waiting for insurance coverage.

Another option is to consider a dental discount plan. Dental discount plans are not insurance but a membership program offering discounted rates for dental services. These plans can be a great option if you want a specific dental service that is not covered by insurance. You will want to research different dental discount plans to find one that fits your needs and budget.

You can also consider financing options. Some dental offices offer financing plans, allowing you to pay for the service over time. Financing can be a good option if you cannot pay for the service upfront but want to get the desired treatment.

Finally, you can also consider discussing alternative treatment options with your dentist. Your dentist may be able to recommend a different treatment covered by your insurance or offer alternative solutions that can give you the desired results.

Overall, options remain available if your dental insurance does not cover your desired dental service. By researching and exploring different options, you can find a solution that works for you and helps you achieve your desired smile.

Options to Consider When Your Dentist Doesn’t Accept Insurance Plans

If your dentist doesn’t accept insurance plans, you may wonder about your options. First, ask your dentist if they offer any alternative payment options or payment plans. Some dentists may offer in-house financing or payment plans that can help you manage the cost of dental care.

Consider a dental discount if your dentist doesn’t offer payment plans. Note under a discount plan, you still need to go to a dentist who takes the plan, so you need to confirm with your dentist if they accept or have any in-house discount-saving plans. These plans are not insurance but can help you save money on dental care. With a dental discount plan, you pay a monthly or yearly fee and receive discounted rates on dental services from participating dentists.

Another option is to look for a new dentist who does accept insurance plans. You can ask your current dentist for recommendations or use an online search tool to find dentists in your area who take your insurance plan.

It’s important to note that even if your dentist doesn’t accept insurance plans, you should still receive the same quality of care. Your dentist should provide you with a treatment plan and an estimate of the cost of services before any treatment is performed. A treatment plan and cost estimate can help you plan for dental care and avoid unexpected expenses.

In summary, if your dentist doesn’t accept insurance plans, you have several options. You can ask your dentist about alternative payment options, consider a discount plan, or look for a new dentist who does. Regardless of your choice, you must prioritize your dental health and receive regular checkups and cleanings to maintain good oral health. Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding Dental Insurance and Maintaining Good Oral Health is an informative website dedicated to helping people understand dental insurance and its importance in maintaining good oral health. Our mission is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their dental care by providing valuable information about dental insurance plans, dental procedures, and dental health.

Our website offers a range of resources, including articles, blogs, and guides, to help you understand the various dental insurance plans available in the market and their features and benefits. We also provide insights into the different types of dental procedures, their costs, and the coverage other dental insurance plans offer.

At, we understand that dental insurance can be confusing and overwhelming. That’s why we strive to provide clear and concise information to help you make informed decisions about your dental care. Our website is user-friendly, and we continually update it with the latest information to ensure that you have access to accurate and up-to-date information.

We also have a team of experts who can answer any questions about dental insurance plans, coverage, and procedures. You can contact our experts through our website; they will gladly assist you.

In conclusion, is a reliable source of information about dental insurance plans and their importance in maintaining good oral health. Our website provides valuable resources to help you understand dental insurance plans and procedures, and our team of experts is always available to assist you. We are committed to helping you make informed decisions about your dental care, so visit our website today and start your journey towards good oral health.

At, our primary goal is to assist you in finding a dental insurance plan that meets your unique needs and budget. We understand that selecting the right dental insurance plan can be challenging, so we are here to help you navigate the process. Our expert team is available to answer any questions you may have and to guide you through the process of selecting the right dental insurance plan. You can contact us at 310-534-3444 from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you find the perfect dental insurance plan that meets your needs.

Posted by carol, in Dental Health, Dental Health News, Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance Plans, Supplemental Dental, Comments Off on When Selecting a Dental Plan, You Have Various Options to Consider 

Tips for Seniors to Maintain Good Oral Health and Overcome Dental Care Challenges


Caring for your dental health is essential at any age, but it becomes even more crucial as a senior. Many seniors need to pay more attention to the importance of regular dental checkups, not just assuming that visiting the dentist twice a year is sufficient, but understanding the significant benefits it can bring. Regular checkups can help seniors stay on top of their oral health, preventing potential issues from escalating. However, seniors are more prone to cavities and other dental issues, making these checkups even more important.

For instance, many older adults did not grow up with the benefit of fluoride in their community water supply, which makes them more susceptible to tooth decay. Moreover, seniors are more likely to have tooth decay around older fillings if a dentist regularly checks them. Cavities in the tooth root are also more common in seniors due to receding gums, which exposes more of the tooth root surface to decay.

Another issue seniors face is dry mouth, which can be caused by age or different medications they may have to take. Plaque-producing acids cannot be neutralized without adequate saliva, increasing the risk of tooth decay due to dry mouth.

Despite the importance of regular dental checkups, many seniors put off their dental care needs due to various factors, such as lack of transportation, no dental insurance, other health issues that keep them from seeing a dentist, and the cost of dental services. However, it’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to help with these issues. For example, ride-care services may be available for seniors, and buying dental insurance can help you control the cost of dental services. These solutions are within reach and can significantly improve your access to dental care. 

It can be challenging to address if other health issues keep you away from a dentist. But many times, these same health issues make it even more important to see a dentist regularly. So, seniors must prioritize their dental health and see their dentist more often than twice a year for oral health checkups. By doing so, they can prevent dental problems from escalating and maintain good oral health in their later years.

Maintaining Good Oral Health as a Senior: Strategies to Overcome Challenges

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize our dental health. Seniors, in particular, may face unique challenges when accessing dental care. Several factors can make it difficult for seniors to maintain good oral health, from the cost of services to transportation barriers. Fortunately, there are steps that seniors can take to help overcome these challenges and take care of their teeth and gums. Consider buying dental insurance, looking into ride-care services, and prioritizing regular dental checkups are all essential strategies for maintaining good oral health as a senior.

1) Consider buying dental insurance: Dental insurance can help control the cost of dental services. Seniors can research different dental insurance plans to find one that fits their needs and budget. Many dental insurance plans cover preventive services like regular checkups and cleanings, which can help seniors maintain good oral health. 

2) Look into ride-care services: Lack of transportation can be a significant barrier to dental care for seniors. Seniors can look into ride-care services that may be available in their community. For instance, some senior centers or non-profit organizations offer transportation services for medical appointments, including dental appointments. 

3) Prioritize dental health and visit the dentist more often: Seniors should prioritize their dental health and see their dentist more often than twice a year for oral health checkups. Even if they have other health issues, regular dental checkups can help prevent dental problems from escalating. Based on their needs and risk factors, seniors can talk to their dentist about how often they should come in for checkups and cleanings. 

Seniors can help maintain good oral health and prevent dental problems from escalating by taking these steps.

Tips for Seniors to Maintain Good Oral Health Even When Unable to Visit the Dentist

As we age, our dental health becomes more crucial than ever, but unfortunately, many seniors cannot go to the dentist due to their health conditions. However, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene as it can significantly impact overall health and well-being. The good news is that there are still ways to get dental care, even for seniors who cannot leave their homes. Here are some tips:

1. Tele-dentistry: Many dental offices now offer tele-dentistry services where you can consult with the dentist over a video call. Tele-dentistry can be an excellent option for seniors who cannot leave their homes due to health issues.

2. Home care:  Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for everyone but for seniors. Our teeth and gums become more prone to dental problems as we age. Fortunately, practicing good oral hygiene habits at home can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Here are some ways seniors can improve their oral hygiene:

  •  Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste: Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is essential to maintaining good oral health. Fluoride helps strengthen teeth and protect them from decay. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush for at least two minutes, paying close attention to your gumline.
  • Flossing daily: Flossing is as important as brushing when maintaining good oral hygiene. Flossing removes food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along your gumline, where your toothbrush can’t reach. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion and avoid snapping the floss against your gums.
  •  Using an antiseptic mouthwash: An antiseptic mouthwash can help kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Look for a mouthwash that contains fluoride to help strengthen your teeth. It is important to use mouthwash after brushing and flossing and to swish it around in your mouth for at least 30 seconds before spitting it out.

3. In-home dental care:  Maintaining good oral health can become increasingly difficult as we age, particularly for those with mobility issues or other health conditions. That’s why some dental offices have started offering in-home dental care services for seniors who cannot travel to the dentist.

These in-home dental care services are typically provided by a licensed and experienced dental hygienist who can come directly to the senior’s home. The hygienist will bring all the necessary equipment and supplies needed to perform a dental cleaning and other services, such as oral cancer screenings, fluoride treatments, and cavity fillings.

One of the most significant benefits of in-home dental care is its convenience. Going to the dentist can be challenging for seniors who have trouble getting around. In-home dental care eliminates the need to travel and can be scheduled at the most convenient time for the senior.

Additionally, in-home dental care can be a much more relaxed and comfortable experience for seniors anxious about going to the dentist. Being in their home can help ease anxiety and make the experience more pleasant.

Overall, in-home dental care is a fantastic option for seniors who need to maintain good oral health but have difficulty traveling to the dentist. With the help of a professional dental hygienist, seniors can receive the care they need in the comfort of their home.

4. Assistance from family or caregivers: Maintaining good oral hygiene to prevent dental problems as we age is essential. However, taking care of dental health can be challenging for seniors who have physical limitations or cognitive impairments. In such situations, family members or caregivers can play an essential role in helping seniors with their dental care needs.

Family or caregiver assistance can range from helping seniors brush their teeth and floss to scheduling regular dental checkups and appointments with the dentist. Family members can also help seniors choose toothbrushes and toothpaste suitable for their needs.

Moreover, caregivers can monitor seniors’ oral health and watch out for any signs of dental problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease, or mouth sores. By identifying these issues early on, they can help prevent more serious dental problems from occurring.

It is important to note that dental care is an essential aspect of one’s overall health. Seniors who receive regular dental care are more likely to maintain good health and quality of life in their golden years. Therefore, the support and assistance provided by family members or caregivers can be invaluable in ensuring seniors’ dental health and well-being.

Seniors must prioritize their dental health, even if they cannot visit the dentist regularly. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and utilizing available resources, seniors can maintain good oral health and prevent dental problems from escalating.

Understanding Dental Insurance Plans for Seniors to Reduce Costs

As we age, dental care becomes increasingly important. However, it can also become increasingly expensive, making it difficult for seniors to access the necessary care. Fortunately, dental insurance can help alleviate some of the financial burden and give seniors the dental care they need. Several types of dental insurance plans are available for seniors, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Understanding the different types of dental insurance plans can help seniors choose the one that best fits their needs and budget. Let’s break down the various dental insurance plan types that seniors can buy to help reduce their dental care costs.

1) Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans: PPO plans offer a network of dentists who provide services at discounted rates. Seniors can choose to see a dentist within the network or outside it. Other factors about a PPO to consider. 

  • PPO dental plans usually have a network of dentists. Going out of network may result in higher costs or reduced coverage.
  • Some PPO dental plans may have waiting periods for specific procedures or services, meaning you will be covered for those services once a certain amount of time has passed.
  • PPO dental plans often have a deductible that must be met before the plan pays for any services. Typically ranging around $25.00 – $100.00
  • Some PPO dental plans generally have annual maximums, which means they will only pay up to a certain amount per person per year. These maximum limitations typically range between $1000 – $3000 per person per year.
  • PPO dental plans may not cover certain procedures or services or may only partially cover them. Reviewing the plan details carefully is essential to understanding what is and isn’t covered.

2) Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans: Unlike Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans that allow you to see any dentist, HMO plans require you to choose a dentist within their network. While HMO plans generally offer lower premiums and predictable costs, they also have certain limitations that can impact dental care. Here are some of the limitations of an HMO dental plan.

  • Limited choice of dentists: HMO plans require you to select a primary dentist within their network, limiting your choice of providers. If you need to see a specialist, you will also need a referral from your primary dentist, which can cause delays in treatment.
  • Limited coverage: HMO plans often have limited coverage for specific treatments, such as cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening or orthodontic treatment for adults. Some HMOs may exclude coverage for services such as dental implants. Therefore, it is important to read the plan terms and conditions to verify that the plan benefits cover the services you may be looking for.
  • Limited dental providers: Depending on your area, you may find a lack of providers available in an HMO plan. The lack of dental providers can be particularly frustrating if you need specialized care that is not offered by any of the providers in the network. In such cases, you may have to travel further or seek out-of-network care, which can be more expensive and may not be covered by your plan. It is always a good idea to check the provider network before enrolling in an HMO plan to ensure enough providers are available to meet your healthcare needs. An HMO dental plan should have at least three dental providers in the area you are willing to travel to.  

It’s important to carefully review an HMO dental plan’s limitations before enrolling to ensure it meets your dental care needs. While HMO plans can offer affordable dental coverage, they may not be the best fit for everyone.

3) Dental Indemnity Plans: Indemnity dental insurance plans offer seniors the most flexibility when it comes to choosing their dental provider. Unlike other types of dental insurance plans, indemnity plans allow individuals to visit any dentist they choose without being limited to a network of preferred providers. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for seniors who have established a relationship with a dentist and want to continue seeing them.

However, while indemnity plans offer greater flexibility, they tend to have higher out-of-pocket costs. With an indemnity plan, seniors may be required to pay a deductible, coinsurance, or both, which can add up quickly, especially for those on fixed incomes. 

Despite these potential drawbacks, indemnity plans can still be a good option for seniors who value flexibility in their dental care and are willing to pay higher out-of-pocket costs for that flexibility. Seniors interested in an indemnity plan should carefully review the plan’s terms and conditions to understand what is covered and their financial responsibilities.

Ultimately, the right dental insurance plan for seniors will depend on their needs and preferences. When choosing a dental insurance plan, seniors should consider factors such as their dental health, budget, and desired level of flexibility. By taking the time to research their options and find a plan that meets their needs, seniors can help ensure that they receive the dental care they need to maintain good oral health in their later years.

4) Discount Dental Plans: Dental discount plans have become increasingly popular among seniors seeking affordable dental care. These plans offer a vast network of dentists who provide discounted services to seniors who pay an annual fee to access the network. The benefits of dental discount plans are numerous, including saving money on routine dental checkups, cleanings, fillings, and other dental procedures. Additionally, seniors who enroll in these plans can rest easy knowing they are receiving quality dental care from licensed and experienced dentists. With the rising dental care costs, dental discount plans have become a valuable resource for seniors who want to maintain their oral health without breaking the bank.

5) Medicare Advantage Plans: It’s important to note that not all Medicare Advantage plans offer dental benefits. However, some plans do provide this additional coverage. These plans are provided by private insurance companies, meaning the coverage and cost can vary greatly depending on the plan you choose. It’s essential to review the details of each plan carefully to determine if it meets your needs and budget. Additionally, consider factors such as the dental services covered, any out-of-pocket expenses you may be responsible for, and the network of dental providers available in the plan. By doing so, you can make an informed decision and choose a plan that provides the dental coverage you need at a cost that works for you.

It’s essential for seniors to carefully review each plan’s benefits, limitations, and costs to choose the one that best fits their needs and budget.

Dental Insurance Plans for Seniors: Get Comprehensive Coverage with

Thank you for taking the time to learn about dental insurance plans for seniors. As we age, dental care becomes increasingly important, and having a good dental insurance plan can help you maintain your oral health and reduce the costs of dental procedures. By understanding your options, you can make informed decisions about the coverage you need and find a plan that fits your budget.

At, we understand that navigating the world of dental insurance can be overwhelming, especially for seniors. That’s why we offer a comprehensive resource for information and assistance in finding the right dental insurance plan. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and help you choose a plan that meets your specific needs.

We offer a range of dental insurance plans from top-rated providers. We work with you to find a plan that fits your budget and covers your needed services. With our help, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have the right coverage for your dental care needs.

So, if you’re looking for affordable dental insurance plans for seniors, call us at 310-534-3444 to speak with one of our experts. We’re here to help you maintain your dental health and keep your smile bright for years.

Posted by carol, in Dental Health, Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance Plans, Supplemental Dental, Comments Off on Tips for Seniors to Maintain Good Oral Health and Overcome Dental Care Challenges

Dental Health Care, Insurance Providers


May Pay Up To 100% Of Preventative Dental Care

Insurance providers will pay up to 100% of preventative dental care. Dental insurance is intended to help offset the costs associated with dental care. Dental Insurance Plan Choices: Indemnity Plan: An indemnity dental insurance plan allows you to select your own dentist. Dental insurance plans differ in the level of reimbursement offered for certain procedures and in annual dental spending caps.

The dental insurance programs listed are based upon the zip code you entered and their availability. Dental insurance plans play a big role in helping people cope with dental health care without the exceedingly high costs. Dental insurance benefits for the most part have remained at the same level for more than two decades, leaving patients to pick up any added costs out-of-pocket.

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Dental Health Care, What are some of the Benefits of Having Porcelain Veneers.


Porcelain veneers can completely transform your teeth and smile.  Porcelain veneers still remains as one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments in the United States. Veneers can be use to fix many dental problems.  With veneers,  a dentist can control the color, position, shape, and size of your new teeth.  They also can correct crooked, worn, or chipped teeth. Ask your dentist about dental veneers to see what your options are.

Posted by Dental Insurance Health Care, in Dental Insurance Plans, Comments Off on Dental Health Care, What are some of the Benefits of Having Porcelain Veneers.

Dental Insurance Health Care, Use an Easy Hand While Brushing Your Teeth


When brushing your teeth make sure not to brush too hard. Doing so can damage your gums. Brushing too hard can cause your gums to recede. Plaque attaches to teeth like jam sticks to a spoon. It can not be totally removed by rinsing, but a light brushing will do the trick. Once plaque has hardened into calculus (tartar), brushing ca not remove it. If you think you might brush too hard, hold your toothbrush the same way you hold a pen. This encourages a lighter stroke.

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The U.S. Supreme Court has issued an opinion that upholds the Affordable Health Care Act


The U.S. Supreme Court has issued an opinion that upholds the Affordable Health Care Act

This includes the individual mandate for coverage.  The case challenged the constitutionality of several parts of the law, including the rule that most people in the U.S. must get health coverage.   We will continue to carry out provisions of the law by thoughtfully implementing the new requirements for customers and members. We will also continue to look for ways to address increasing costs that are crippling our health care system, including: ·      Advancing our partnership with primary care physicians announced earlier this year that we believe will substantially improve quality and member health, and potentially reduce the trend in overall medical costs by as much as 20% by 2015. ·      Coordinating patient care through the use of IBM-Watson technology to promote evidence-based health care and ensure that millions of Americans receive the most effective courses of treatment.  We look forward to continuing our efforts to work with policymakers and other key stakeholders to build a health care delivery system that provides security and affordability to all Americans.

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Dental Insurance Health Care Plans in Texas.


Dental Insurance Health Care Plans in Texas.  Where is the free dental insurance health care plans?  I can not find any.  So now I am just trying to find a dental insurance plan that is still low cost that offers at least preventive services for free.   I do not have much money and looking for the lowest cost possible for my dental care

Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Dental Insurance Health Care Plans in Texas.

Toothache in California need dental insurance without waiting periods


Toothache in California need dental insurance without waiting periods.   Okay I know it is my fault that I have not been taking proper care of my dental health.  But I only want kind replies.  I been to a open forum that lets you ask any questions but the replies were not kind.

I hoping that since this is a dental website I would get back helpful replies.  I noted you sell dental insurance but I do not know much about insurance.  I only know I need a plan that does not have waiting periods since I currently have a toothache that needs to be address right away.  Please advise your best plan for this.

Posted by admin, in Dental Care, Comments Off on Toothache in California need dental insurance without waiting periods

Finding a low cost dental plan on line for a family of five


Finding a low cost dental plan on line for a family of five. When you have a family of five finding any low cost is not easy.  However when it comes to dental care for our three kids our cost is getting to the point where it is harder for us to have our regular checks.

Cost is starting to become a major factor that we like to find a way of cutting back.  Do you offer a low cost family dental plan that will help us save money on our children dental care in California.

Posted by admin, in Dental Care, Comments Off on Finding a low cost dental plan on line for a family of five

Dental Health care plan where I can stay with my current dentist


Dental Health care plan where I can stay with my current dentist.  I live in New York and I love my dentist.  It has taken me over seven years to find a dentist that is caring and is willing to be helpful to my dental needs.

However with changes to our dental benefits at work I can no longer stay with my dentist and have any dental benefits.   My dentist dental office staffing told me that was the only HMO plan they were a provider of and that I now would need to find a plan that lets me stay with my own dentist.   Do you have any dental insurance in New York that can help me stay with my current dentist since I will not be changing my dental office.

Posted by admin, in Dental Insurance, Comments Off on Dental Health care plan where I can stay with my current dentist

Instant dental health care plan needed in New Jersey


Instant dental health care plan needed in New Jersey.  Please help me.  My ten year old son has a toothache and needs to see a dentist.   I been calling around different dentist but just to go in for a check up and X-rays would cost me over $200.00  and that is not even getting to fixing his tooth.

I was told by one dental office I would be better off getting a dental plan first and choosing a dentist within the plan network.  Where do I find one of these dental plans and I need one that will start right after buying it.

Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Instant dental health care plan needed in New Jersey

Affordable dental health care for an individual


Affordable dental health care for an individual.  I am a student living in New York.  I do work a full time job while going to school mostly full time as well.   I have money to afford dental insurance but I would still like to keep the plan affordable since I do not see myself having to have major dental care.  I just want a dental insurance plan where I can have free preventive dental services and keep my teeth healthy.

Posted by admin, in Dental Insurance, Comments Off on Affordable dental health care for an individual

Dental Insurance health care for seniors


Dental Insurance health care for seniors.  I am a senior living on a fix income.  I do not get any dental benefits unless it is medically necessary to pull a tooth but that is all I get.   I looking for a very low cost dental plan that offer preventive dental care at a low cost.  This way I do not have to worry about having to have teeth pulled.

Posted by admin, in Dental Insurance, Comments Off on Dental Insurance health care for seniors

Dental Insurance for major dental work in Washington


Dental Insurance for major dental work in Washington:  I do  not know what to get that will best help me.  So can you just advise.  I have major dental work that is needed.  I need three fillings, one root canal with a crown and afterwords I like to have my teeth whiten as they are very yellowish looking right now.    What dental plan you offer would help me the best?

Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Dental Insurance for major dental work in Washington

Florida dental health care and dental insurance getting the best dental plan


Florida dental health care and dental insurance getting the best dental plan.  What is your best dental plan in Florida for a 68 year old with little teeth and in need of some partials.  My dad his a few teeth left and I like for him to have partials so he can eat and talk better then what he is doing now.  Since I am now taking care of him getting him some dental care is one of the first things I am trying to get out of the way can you please advise.  Thanks

Posted by admin, in Dental Insurance, Comments Off on Florida dental health care and dental insurance getting the best dental plan

Dental health care, dealing with dental providers under a PPO dental plan.


Dental health care, dealing with dental providers under a PPO dental plan.  Hello I am hoping you can offer me some help and good advise.  I have a dental PPO plan that I get though my husband job.  I really do not like it since ever time I go to the dentist I feel that I a being over charged.

The dental office also dose not file out my claims and I  am having to pay in full for everything at the time of the dental service.  I do not get all the money I feel I should get back from the company due to UCR cost.  I am not sure how to get my dental office to stop over charging me  and to file out my claim so I am not having to pay in full all the time.

Posted by admin, in Dental Insurance, Comments Off on Dental health care, dealing with dental providers under a PPO dental plan.

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