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Dental insurance health care plans, no dental insurance, and need help.


Urgent matter: My dear friend desperately needs immediate dental health care.  The issue is she lacks dental insurance, as her workplace only covers health, not dental.  She attempted to arrange a payment plan at the dental office, but her credit score was insufficient for them to offer her one.

Her teeth are in a dire state, and they cause her occasional pain. I suggested she go to the hospital for emergency care, but all they did was provide her with something for the pain and advised her to see a dentist.  This situation is causing her immense distress, and it deeply saddens me to see her this way. Please advise if there is anything she could do to get some dental help.    

Reply: I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s difficult situation. Regrettably, she’s dealing with dental issues while facing obstacles to getting the care she needs. Dental health is so important, and it’s concerning to hear that her teeth are causing her pain.

One option to consider is looking for dental schools in the area. Many dental schools offer low-cost or sliding-scale dental care provided by supervised students. Another option is to contact local community health centers or free clinics that may provide dental services on a sliding fee scale based on income. Some charitable organizations also offer those in need free or low-cost dental care.

Additionally, she could explore dental discount plans, which are membership-based programs that offer discounts on dental care at participating providers. While not insurance, these plans can help reduce the cost of dental procedures.

It’s also worth contacting different dental offices to inquire about any charitable programs or payment options they may offer. Some dentists are willing to work with patients on payment plans or may have information about local resources for reduced-cost or pro bono dental care.

She may want to explore purchasing a low-cost HMO dental insurance plan to ensure that she has coverage for routine dental care at an affordable price. This type of plan typically requires you to choose a primary dentist from a network of providers, and they will be responsible for coordinating your dental care. Be sure to compare different plans to find one that meets her needs and budget.

She could consider contacting social services or community organizations for assistance, as they may provide information about available resources or direct her to programs that can help her.

Finally, consider creating a fundraiser or seeking financial assistance through crowdfunding platforms to cover dental care costs. Fundraisers can involve contacting friends, family, and your community to ask for support in covering the expenses of necessary dental treatments. Crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe provide an accessible way to collect donations and rally support for your cause. Additionally, sharing your story and explaining the importance of the dental care you need can help encourage others to contribute to your fundraiser.

These suggestions can provide some options for your friend to consider. Your help and support are crucial in this urgent situation. She needs to seek the dental care she needs, and I truly hope she finds a solution soon.

So you can see your friend has some options that could help her with her dental care needs. While it may take some effort to research and explore these options, it’s well worth the effort to address her current dental situation.

One potential option to consider is looking into individual dental insurance plans. offers a wide range of dental insurance plans, including lower-cost options such as HMO plans with monthly premiums ranging from $7.95 to $19.95. These plans could provide your friend access to affordable dental care and help alleviate some of the financial burdens of necessary dental treatments.

I encourage your friend to give our office a call at 310-534-3444. Our team would be happy to discuss the different plan options with her and provide personalized assistance to get her started with a dental insurance plan that best fits her needs.

Taking proactive steps to secure dental insurance could make a significant difference in ensuring your friend receives the necessary dental care. It’s essential to explore all available resources and options, and we are here to support her in making informed decisions about her dental health.

Exploring Affordable Dental Care Options: Considerations for Seeking Treatment at Dental Schools

Finding a dental school for lower-cost dental care is an excellent option for individuals needing affordable dental treatments. Dental schools often offer reduced-cost or sliding-scale dental care performed by supervised dental students. Here are the steps to find a dental school and what to know when considering this option:

1. Research Nearby Dental Schools: Research dental schools in your area. You can use search engines or contact local dental associations to find a list of accredited dental schools. Make sure to compile a list of schools within a reasonable distance from your location.

2. Contact the Dental Schools: Reach out to the dental schools on your list to inquire about their programs for low-cost dental care. Ask about the services they provide, the costs involved, and any specific eligibility criteria. Make sure to confirm if they offer the specific dental treatments you require.

3. Understand the Supervision Process: When considering dental care at a dental school, it’s essential to understand that supervised dental students perform the treatments. Inquire about the level of supervision and the experience of the supervising faculty. Doing so will help ensure that the care provided is high quality.

4. Discuss the Payment Structure: Get clarity on the payment structure and any associated costs. Dental schools typically offer services at a reduced price, but it’s essential to understand the fees involved and the accepted forms of payment. Inquire if they offer payment plans to make the cost more manageable.

5. Confirm Appointment Availability: Check the availability of appointments for the specific treatments you need. It’s important to know if there are waiting lists or if they can accommodate your dental care needs within a reasonable timeframe.

6. Review Patient Policies: Understand the patient policies of the dental school, including appointment scheduling, cancellation policies, and any pre-appointment requirements. Understanding the policies ensures a smooth experience when accessing dental care at the school.

7. Consider the Quality of Care: While dental schools offer affordable care, it’s crucial to consider the quality of care provided. Research the reputation of the dental school, read reviews, and consider speaking to current or past patients about their experiences.

Accessing Affordable Dental Care: A Guide to Community Health Centers and Free Clinics

Finding and contacting a local community health center or free clinic offering dental services on a sliding fee scale based on income can be an essential step toward affordable dental care. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Research: Research community health centers and free clinics in your area. You can use online resources such as the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website or local community health center directories to find contact information for these facilities.

2. Contact: Once you’ve identified a few options, contact them directly. You can call their administrative offices or visit their websites for contact information. When contacting them, inquire about their dental services and whether they offer a sliding fee scale based on income.

3. Ask Questions: When speaking with the staff at the community health center or free clinic, ask specific questions about their dental services, such as the types of treatments they offer, the cost structure, and how the sliding fee scale is determined.

4. Verify Eligibility: Inquire about the eligibility criteria for the sliding fee scale program. Community health centers and free clinics typically consider income, family size, and insurance status when determining eligibility for discounted services.

5. Appointment Scheduling: If the community health center or free clinic offers dental services on a sliding fee scale and you meet the eligibility criteria, schedule an appointment for a dental examination or treatment.

When visiting a community health center or free clinic for dental services, it’s essential to keep the following in mind:

1. Documentation: Be prepared to provide documentation of your income, residency, and insurance status, if applicable. Documentation may include pay stubs, tax returns, and identification documents.

2. Payment: Even though the fees may be on a sliding scale, be prepared to make a payment at the time of your visit. Ask about accepted payment methods and any financial assistance programs that may be available.

3. Appointment Availability: Community health centers and free clinics often have a high demand for their services, so be flexible with scheduling and patients with potential waiting times.

4. Collaborative Care: Community health centers and free clinics may offer various medical and dental services, so consider leveraging these resources for comprehensive care beyond just dental treatment.

Remember, community health centers and free clinics are crucial in providing affordable dental care for individuals and families with limited financial means. By reaching out and exploring your options, you can take a proactive step toward maintaining good oral health without breaking the bank.

Dental Discount Plans: Affordable Solutions for Quality Dental Care

Dental discount plans are membership-based programs designed to give individuals and families access to discounted dental care. These plans offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional dental insurance and can save you money on various dental procedures.

How do dental discount plans work? When you enroll in a dental discount plan, you pay an annual or monthly membership fee to access a network of participating dentists and dental specialists who have agreed to provide services at reduced rates. These discounted rates are typically pre-negotiated between the plan administrators and the participating providers, offering members significant savings on dental treatments.

Unlike traditional dental insurance plans, dental discount plans do not involve deductibles, copayments, or annual spending limits. Once you become a member, you can schedule appointments with participating dentists and specialists and receive discounted rates directly during service. This allows you to access dental care at reduced prices without the hassle of claim submissions or waiting for reimbursements.

What services are typically covered by dental discount plans? Dental discount plans commonly offer savings on preventive, basic, and major dental procedures, including routine cleanings, fillings, extractions, root canals, crowns, dentures, and more. Members can benefit from substantial discounts on essential and elective dental treatments, making it a convenient and budget-friendly option for maintaining good oral health.

Can dental discount plans save you money on your dental care? Dental discount plans can be an excellent way to save money on dental expenses. With the ability to access discounted rates on various dental services, members can enjoy cost savings compared to paying full price for treatments out-of-pocket. Additionally, dental discount plans are particularly beneficial for individuals and families who do not have dental insurance coverage and are seeking affordable options for managing their oral health care needs.

At, we provide dental discount plans as a low-cost dental care option to help individuals and families access quality dental care at reduced rates. Our dental discount plans offer a convenient way to save on dental treatments and procedures at a network of participating dental providers.

If you have any questions about how dental discount plans work, the types of services covered, or how to enroll in a plan, we are here to help. Please feel free to call us at 310-534-3444 to speak with a member of our team who can provide detailed information and personalized assistance to guide you through choosing a dental discount plan that meets your specific needs.

Choosing a dental discount plan from is an effective way to access affordable dental care and take proactive steps to support your oral health without incurring high out-of-pocket costs. We’re committed to helping you find a cost-effective solution for your dental care needs, and we look forward to assisting you in exploring the benefits of dental discount plans.

Empower Your Smile: Fundraising for Essential Dental Care

Starting a GoFundMe account to raise funds for dental care can be a powerful way to gather support and financial assistance from friends, family, and even compassionate strangers. Dental care is a vital aspect of overall health and well-being, and unfortunately, the costs can often be prohibitive for those in need. Here’s how to create a compelling and successful GoFundMe campaign to help cover dental care costs.

1. Crafting a Compelling Story: Begin by sharing your personal story and the impact your dental issues have on your life. Explain how your current dental health affects your daily life and causes you distress. Your narrative should be genuine, heartfelt, and transparent. Highlighting your challenges and expressing your genuine need for support can resonate with potential donors.

2. Setting a Realistic Fundraising Goal: Be transparent about the specific costs of the dental treatments you require. Itemize the costs for procedures, consultations, medications, or other relevant expenses. Set a realistic fundraising goal that aligns with the estimated costs and clearly communicate how the funds will be used. Donors are more likely to contribute when they understand where their money will go.

3. Compelling Visuals: Incorporate compelling visuals into your GoFundMe page. High-quality photos or videos can visually represent your situation and add depth to your story. Include images that convey the impact of your dental issues and your journey towards seeking treatment. Personal photos can help potential donors connect with your cause more emotionally.

4. Engaging and Transparent Updates: Keep your supporters informed about your progress and any developments related to your dental care. Provide regular updates that showcase the impact of their donations. Sharing positive news, milestones, or even challenges you’ve overcome can help maintain engagement and trust with your donors.

5. Connecting with Your Community: Leverage the power of social media and personal networks to amplify your GoFundMe campaign. Share your story across multiple platforms and encourage friends and family to share it as well. Personal messages, phone calls, and in-person outreach can also effectively garner support. People who see that others in their network support your cause may be more inclined to contribute.

6. Expressing Gratitude: Show appreciation and gratitude to every donor, regardless of contribution size. Personalized thank-you messages or acknowledgments can foster a sense of connection and strengthen the bond between you and your supporters. Let them know the impact their support is having on your journey to better dental health.

7. Providing Validation: Consider sharing any documentation or estimates from dental professionals to validate the specific treatments and associated costs. Transparency and credibility are essential in building trust with potential donors.

By following these steps and creating a compelling, transparent, and engaging GoFundMe campaign, you can effectively rally support and raise funds to address your dental care needs. Remember, people are often eager to help when they see a genuine need and a compelling, well-documented request for assistance.

We sincerely hope this post has provided valuable insights and answers regarding dental care for your friend. If you or your friend have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 310-534-3444. We are dedicated to providing assistance and guidance in any way we can, and we would be more than happy to help. Your dental health is important to us, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for your trust in

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Dental X-Rays – Debunking Myths and Importance in Maintaining Good Oral Health with Affordable Coverage by Insurance Plans


Welcome to! We are dedicated to providing affordable dental insurance options and reliable dental health information. We understand the importance of maintaining good oral health and believe everyone deserves quality dental care without breaking the bank. That’s why we offer dental insurance plans that can help keep your dental care costs low so you can focus on keeping your smile healthy and bright. For more information, please give us a call at 310-534-3444.

The Truth About Dental X-Rays: Debunking Radiation Myths

Dentists commonly use Dental X-rays to diagnose and treat many dental problems. However, there are some concerns regarding radiation exposure and its potential health risks. In this article, we will explore the truth about dental X-rays and debunk some of the myths associated with them.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets an annual maximum occupational exposure for radiation workers in the United States, which is 5,000 millirems (a measure for radiation). When radiation exposure is spread over time, it is not as destructive to the body because it has time to recover.

To help put this in perspective for dental X-rays, you would need 2,000 dental X-rays to equal the radiation in 1 mammogram, meaning that it would take approximately 10,000 dental X-rays to reach the maximum safety dose set by OSHA.

On average, people receive about three dental bite-wings worth of radiation daily from outside in the sun or around concrete buildings and roads. The amount of radiation exposure from dental X-rays is relatively small and does not significantly risk your health.

Moreover, technological advancements have significantly reduced the radiation exposure associated with dental X-rays. Modern digital X-rays use up to 80% less radiation than traditional film X-rays and lead aprons and thyroid collars also help minimize exposure.

It is essential to note that the benefits of dental X-rays outweigh the potential risks associated with radiation exposure. Dental X-rays help dentists identify and treat dental problems early on, preventing more significant issues from developing. For example, dental X-rays can detect cavities, gum disease, impacted teeth, and other problems that are not visible during a routine dental exam.

In conclusion, dental X-rays are safe and effective when used appropriately and in moderation. The amount of radiation exposure from dental X-rays is relatively small and does not significantly risk your health. Dental X-rays can be a valuable tool in maintaining good oral health by using modern technology and following proper safety protocols.

The Importance of Dental X-Rays in Maintaining Good Oral Health

Dental X-rays are an essential tool in maintaining good oral health. They help dentists identify and treat dental problems early on, which can prevent more significant problems from developing. Many dental issues could go undetected without X-rays, leading to more complicated and costly treatments.

Some of the benefits of having dental X-rays include identifying cavities and other dental problems that are not visible during a routine dental exam. X-rays detect gum disease, impacted teeth, and other issues requiring further treatment. Additionally, X-rays can help monitor the progress of dental treatments, such as braces, implants, and root canals.

Furthermore, X-rays can help detect oral cancer. Early detection of oral cancer is crucial for effective treatment and can significantly increase the chances of successful recovery. Dental X-rays can help detect any abnormalities in the mouth, such as tumors, cysts, or other growths, which a specialist can further evaluate and treat.

Overall, dental X-rays are a safe and effective way for dentists to identify and treat dental problems early on. With advancements in technology, X-rays have become even safer and more efficient. By getting regular dental checkups and taking advantage of modern technology, you can help ensure that your oral health is in good condition and avoid more complicated and costly treatments down the road.

Affordable Dental Care: Importance of X-Rays and Coverage by Insurance Plans

Dental care is essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing dental problems from developing or worsening. However, the costs associated with dental care can be a significant barrier for many people, particularly for those with limited financial resources. Fortunately, most dental insurance plans provide essential X-rays for free or cheaply, making dental care more affordable and accessible.

Basic X-rays, such as bite-wing X-rays, are crucial for dentists to identify and treat dental problems early on, preventing more significant issues from developing. Depending on their dental health and risk factors, they are typically recommended every 6 to 12 months for adults and children.

Many dental insurance plans cover essential X-rays as part of their preventive care benefits, which means they are provided at no additional cost or a low copayment. This allows patients to receive regular X-rays without worrying about the price, making it easier to maintain good oral health and catch any potential problems early on.

Moreover, some dental insurance plans also cover more advanced X-rays, such as panoramic X-rays or cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, which are used to diagnose more complex dental issues. While these X-rays may cost more, they are typically covered at a reduced rate, making them more affordable for patients.

Overall, free or low-cost X-rays through dental insurance plans are a significant benefit for many people, particularly those who may be hesitant to seek dental care due to financial concerns. By taking advantage of these benefits and receiving regular X-rays, patients can ensure that their oral health is in good condition and catch any potential problems early on, leading to better overall health outcomes and potentially lower costs in the long run.

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Mothers Dental Health – Dental Insurance Healthcare


It’s truly empowering to realize that a mother’s dental health significantly influences her children’s oral health. Studies have shown that mothers with poor dental health are more likely to pass on harmful bacteria that can lead to cavities in their children. However, the empowering truth is that mothers can reduce this risk and promote better dental health for themselves and their children.

Being proactive is the key, and one of the most crucial steps is prioritizing regular dental visits. This proactive approach can help identify potential issues early on and prevent them from escalating. Moreover, daily brushing and flossing, along with a healthy diet low in sugars and starches, can play a significant role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Choosing toothpaste with fluoride can also be beneficial, as fluoride can help strengthen tooth enamel and make it more resistant to decay. Rinsing daily with an alcohol-free rinse can further help reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride is a mineral that can prevent tooth decay by making the tooth enamel more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth.

It’s also important to avoid sharing eating utensils or other items that can transmit bacteria with your children. If you chew gum, choosing one with xylitol can help decrease your and your children’s risk of developing cavities.

Mothers can confidently protect their and their children’s dental health by taking these steps. Remember, prevention is the key to maintaining good oral health!

Tips for Mothers to Ensure Their Children’s Health and Safety: Preventing the Spread of Harmful Bacteria

Mothers must always take extra measures to ensure their children’s health and safety. In addition to the steps mentioned in the previous text, mothers can do a few more things to reduce the risk of passing harmful bacteria to their children.

Firstly, avoiding sharing toothbrushes with others is essential, as this can transfer bacteria from one person’s mouth to another. Instead, each family member should have their toothbrush replaced every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed.

Secondly, mothers should clean their children’s pacifiers and bottle nipples thoroughly to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. They can be sterilized with warm, soapy water after each use or in a dishwasher or sterilizer.

Finally, it’s important to stress the importance of hand washing in the family. Everyone should be encouraged to wash their hands regularly, especially before eating or handling food, after using the bathroom, and after touching pets or other people. This simple step can go a long way in preventing the spread of germs and reducing the risk of passing on harmful bacteria.

By following these additional measures, mothers can take active steps to ensure the health and safety of their children and their families.

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North Carolina Individual Dental Insurance for only a Children.


Can a minor have their own dental insurance plan without a parent being listed on the plan ? I have to get dental insurance for my ten year old daughter who lives with her mom. I do not get along with my X wife at all and I only want to get dental insurance for my daughter since I am not required to do so for my X. However she seems to think this can not be done. Can you advise because having to get dental insurance that includes her will piss me off. Thanks.

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Dental Insurance Health Care Plans in Texas.


Dental Insurance Health Care Plans in Texas.  Where is the free dental insurance health care plans?  I can not find any.  So now I am just trying to find a dental insurance plan that is still low cost that offers at least preventive services for free.   I do not have much money and looking for the lowest cost possible for my dental care

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Instant dental health care plan needed in New Jersey


Instant dental health care plan needed in New Jersey.  Please help me.  My ten year old son has a toothache and needs to see a dentist.   I been calling around different dentist but just to go in for a check up and X-rays would cost me over $200.00  and that is not even getting to fixing his tooth.

I was told by one dental office I would be better off getting a dental plan first and choosing a dentist within the plan network.  Where do I find one of these dental plans and I need one that will start right after buying it.

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Dental Insurance for major dental work in Washington


Dental Insurance for major dental work in Washington:  I do  not know what to get that will best help me.  So can you just advise.  I have major dental work that is needed.  I need three fillings, one root canal with a crown and afterwords I like to have my teeth whiten as they are very yellowish looking right now.    What dental plan you offer would help me the best?

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Dental Health care services with a dental HMO plan in California


Dental Health care services with a dental HMO plan in California.  I picked this web site since I see that you offer many differnt types of dental insurance plans for PPO to HMO and dental discount plan with free choice of dentist plans.  That is all good becuase I want to know if getting a dental HMO plan will offer me good dental heath care services.

I see that HMO are within in my budget better but I have people that tell me that dental HMO plans are really bad in that you get bad dental care servise and that the dentist with in the plans just try to get you in and out very quickly since they are not making any money on you.  That I would be better off with a PPO or a free choice of dentist plan even though they are more costly so that a dentist will treat me better and provide better dental care.   Is this true?

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California Dental Healthcare and having poor teeth.


California Dental Healthcare and having poor teeth. I live in LA CA and looks are important I have poor teeth ever since I was a child. Now at 25 I have a partial for seven of my front teeth and my bottom teeth are starting to give me problems. I am thinking about having them pulled before I start having to much pain and getting dentures.

I talked to a few dentist that tell me that my teeth can be saved with having root canals and some crown work but cost is a factor. Also the dentist I been to seem to be criticizing me as if my teeth being as bad as they are is because I am not brushing them. I hate feeling judge so badly by a dentist I want to have fix my teeth. I makes me not want to go to the dentist even more. Not sure at this point what to do looking for some good suggestions.

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Dental Health Insurance, on Medicaid in California and need dental help.


Dental Health Insurance, on Medicaid in California and need dental help. Right now I am on my family Medicaid plan. I am told that their Medicaid plan is to cover everything including dental I can not seem to find even one dentist that accepts the Medicaid plan.

I have a really bad tooth that is decaying to the point that you can see the decay and it really starting to hurt. I am worried that the tooth is going to brake off in bits any day now even though I am very care not to eat on that side of my mouth.

I am seventeen and my parents can not afford to have my tooth fixed. Is there any other type of low cost plan my parents can get so that I can have my tooth fixed?

Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Dental Health Insurance, on Medicaid in California and need dental help.

Dental care, Dental Insurance for Dentures.


Dental care, Dental Insurance for Dentures.  If you are going to have teeth pulled and dentures put in here is some advise to finding dental insurance to help you control your cost. Make sure you buy dental insurance before having any dental work is started.

DO NOT start pulling out teeth prior to having dental insurance since many dental insurance plans have missing teeth clauses.  A missing tooth clause is such that the dental insurance company will not cover for denture, partial or bridges  if the tooth was missing prior to the plan effective date.

You also want to make sure  you know if the dental plan you are buying has any yearly max dollar limitations  and if so, what that dollar amount is. ( in some dental insurance plans for seniors,  they will have a separate annul max limitation on major dental services.) Beware of this and know what that limitation is.  Having teeth pulled and getting dentures can be costly. You can quickly max out your yearly limitation if you are not careful.

On our website we offer dental insurance as well as a dental discount plans. Dental discount plans do not have as many restrictions and can be a good alternative to helping you save money on the cost of dentures. Please call our member service line at 310-534-3444 M-F 8-5 CA time if you have any questions about the dental plans we have to offer.

Posted by carol, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Dental care, Dental Insurance for Dentures.

Florida Prevention in oral health care.


Florida Prevention in oral health care. I live in Florida and I do not have dental insurance and I make very little money. I really just barely getting by each day. I do not have the greatest teeth and since I do not get to see a dentist do to lack of money I really worry about my teeth falling out., but I do not know what to do. I brush my teeth three times a day since that is all I really can afford. Please offer some suggestions if you can. Thanks.


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New York Dental health insurance benefits


New York Dental health  insurance benefits. I am looking for a dental insurance plan that can start right away, I have a toothache and I was told that I have a few cavities and I may need to have a crowns.

I do not receive dental  benefits from my job and the price quoted the a dentis for the needed denal care is too much for me right now. I live in New York and I hoping  you can help me find the best dental plan for my needs.

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Affordable Dental Health Care for Low-Income Adults in New York


Affordable Dental Health Care for Low-Income Adults in New York.   I am 35 and although I do work a full time job it does not offer dental benefits.   Because I do have a full time job I do not get any help when it comes to affordable dental care.

Just because I have a job does not mean I  make a lot of money.  I make just enough to live and pay my bills not much more then that. My teeth are not terrible but they do need dental care I can not afford to have done. What low cost dental care plans do you have to offer that can help me?

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Have a Happy New Year and many wonderful Smiles.

01/01/11  is wishing all  a bright and happy New Year =)

Make 2011 the year you get that healthier brighter smile.  Dental health care seems to be something many people tend to put on the back burner until they start having problems with their teeth.  However, by that time it can be too late.

Many dental insurance plans have waiting periods that will not be able to address basic and major dental needs as soon as you buy the plan.  That aside,  say you do get a dental insurance or a dental discount plan that does not have any waiting periods, waiting until you have issues with your teeth still means a larger dental cost to you. 

All of which may be avoided if you have your regular dental health care check ups and cleanings twice a year at your dental office.   You do not need to have dental insurance or a dental plan to see a dentist but having one will help you save money off your dental cost. 

At we offer many different types of dental insurance and dental plans in  order to fit your dental needs needs.  Just enter your zip code in the quote box above to review the dental plans we have available.

Posted by carol, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Have a Happy New Year and many wonderful Smiles.

Virginia Family Dental Health Insurance quote


My sister does not take care of her health and eating habits.  Therefore she has bad teeth issues that need to be address.  She is a senior that is living on a very fixed income in which I help her out the best I can for her care.   I would like  to get her some dental insurance so I can start taking her to see a dentist I am just not sure what would be the best dental health plan for her to get.

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Rhode Island Dental Insurance health care for a minor


Are there any dental insurance health care programs that are offer to minors?  My son is only five an needs to see a dentist.  I have not yet took him to one but I know he needs to see one by now.  How much would a child dental plan cost?  Would it be more then $20 a month?  What can I get for my son that would make taking him to the dentist affordable for me.

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Virginia Dental Insurance, on Medicaid but no dental


I live in Virgina and I am on Medicaid but Medicaid does not offer any help with regards to dental care other the extractions.   I do not need to pull out my teeth.  For a lady in her late seventies I have all my teeth and besides a cavity once in a while my teeth are in very good shape.

I just like to be able to go to the dentist twice a year for my normal check ups and so on.  But cost at for just basic dental care is getting to much for me to afford and I looking for a dental plan that will be low cost but can really save me some money off my dental care.

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Connecticut Dental Insruance Health Care plans


A close friend of mine really needs dental health care.  She does not have dental insurance and only works about 25 hours work weeks.  She said she has tried getting payment plans from dental different dental office for dental services she will need but was turned down each time for poor credit.  Which is messed up since she does not have bad credit she just does not have any credit.

Her teeth are in really bad shape and they do hurt her once in a while.  She will sometimes go to the hospital for emergency care but all they do is give her pain killers that last for a few days, and tell her to see a dentist.

This is making her so sad and it makes me really sad for her please advise if there is anything she could do to get some dental help.

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Florida Dental Health Care, Currently Unemployed with no dental benefits


Right now I am currently unemployed with no dental insurance benefits.  My last job offer me dental so I was able to see the dentist two to three times a year.  Now after being laid off for the past ten months I worried about my teeth care.

I get some help with my medical and I am looking for a job.  Right now I just do odd jobs when I can for the extra money.   I have not seen a dentist in over a year now since I do not have the extra money to pay cash for my dental care.

What can I do?  My teeth are fine and I do take care of them but sometime if things go unchecked you start to have problems and I do not want to have bad teeth issues latter on just because I have no dental insurance to see a dentist.

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