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Know the differences between dental insurance and dental discount plans.


Have you been considering dental insurance or a dental discount plan? Understanding the differences between the two is essential to make an informed decision. Visit or call us at 310-534-3444 for more information on dental insurance and dental discount plans, including their pros and cons, so that you can choose the best option for your dental care needs.

Dental Discount Plan The Pros and Cons of Having One

Dental discount plans are a cost-effective alternative to traditional dental insurance. These plans offer discounted rates for dental services and are not insurance policies. When you enroll in a dental discount plan, you pay a membership fee and receive a card that gives you access to reduced-cost dental care from participating dentists.

One significant advantage of dental discount plans is the potential for substantial savings on dental treatments. For example, if the standard cost of a dental procedure is $600.00 and your discount plan offers a 30% discount, you would only need to pay $420.00 for the same service. The discounted savings can make dental care more affordable for individuals and families, especially those without comprehensive insurance coverage. Some pros and cons of a dental discount plan


  • Dental discount plans generally feature more affordable monthly premiums than dental insurance plans. Discount plans are cost-effective for individuals and families seeking to maintain their dental health without breaking the bank. Additionally, dental discount plans often offer immediate coverage with no waiting periods and may include a broader range of services than traditional dental insurance, such as cosmetic procedures and orthodontics. These plans can be an excellent choice for those who want to save on dental care while still receiving quality treatment.
  • One of the immediate benefits of dental discount plans is the absence of waiting periods. No waiting periods mean you can start saving on your dental care expenses as soon as you sign up without any delays. It’s a relief to know you can access affordable dental care immediately.
  • Under this plan, individuals can frequently utilize coverage for pre-existing conditions.
  • You can receive dental services without any restrictions on the number of visits or treatments you can receive in a year.
  • By taking advantage of discounted dental service prices, you can save money in the short term and protect your long-term financial health. Accessing affordable dental care can lead to significant savings over time, allowing you to maintain a healthy smile without breaking the bank.


  • Discount plans are not insurance plans; they differ from traditional ones because they do not function as insurance coverage. Consequently, with a discount plan, the individual is still responsible for paying for dental services out-of-pocket.
  • The extent of the discounts offered may not always meet initial expectations, and the actual discount amounts can differ between participating dentists based on the specific discount plan in place.
  • When using a discount plan for dental services, it’s important to note that your choices for dentists and dental clinics may be limited. You may have a smaller selection of providers from which to choose. When considering a discount plan to ensure access to the dental care you need, it’s a good idea to research and inquire about the participating dentists and clinics.
  • Certain discount plans may come with additional fees or specific restrictions you should consider before deciding. These restrictions could include limits on the number of visits or treatments you can receive in a year or exclusions for certain procedures. It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions to fully understand any potential costs or limitations associated with the plan.

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance plans, including HMO, PPO, and Indemnity, operate differently but fall under the category of insurance products. When selecting a plan, you may encounter waiting periods, deductibles, and maximum limitations or be restricted to providers within the plan’s network. While dental insurance offers various benefits, it also comes with certain restrictions. Here’s a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of having dental insurance:


  • Dental insurance is designed to cover various dental services, ranging from routine check-ups and cleanings to more extensive procedures such as root canals, crowns, and bridges. By having dental insurance, individuals can save substantial money on these services, making it more affordable to maintain good oral health. Some dental insurance plans also offer coverage for orthodontic treatment, such as braces, which can be costly without insurance. Dental insurance provides financial protection and encourages regular dental care, essential for overall health and well-being.
  • Most dental insurance plans typically cover a broad range of dental services, depending on the specific plan. Coverages usually include preventative care such as regular check-ups and cleanings, basic treatments like fillings and extractions, and major dental work such as root canals, crowns, and bridges. It’s essential to review the details of your insurance plan to fully understand the extent of coverage for different types of dental procedures.
  • Some dental insurance plans may offer additional benefits, such as coverage for orthodontic treatment or cosmetic dentistry. These additional benefits are helpful for individuals who may require orthodontic work like braces or Invisalign. Coverage for cosmetic dentistry procedures such as teeth whitening or veneers can help individuals maintain a healthy and confident smile. It’s essential to review the details of dental insurance plans to understand what additional benefits may be included and how they can support your dental care needs.
  • One of the empowering aspects of dental insurance is the flexibility it offers. Many plans allow you to choose your dentist, giving you more control over your dental care. This freedom to select a dentist who meets your specific needs can be beneficial, especially if you have a preferred dentist or are looking for a practitioner with particular expertise or experience.
  • Having dental insurance can provide a sense of security and peace of mind. It’s reassuring to know that you have coverage in case of unexpected dental issues. With dental insurance, you can have regular check-ups, cleanings, and treatments without worrying about the financial burden. This confidence in your coverage can help you maintain good oral health and address any dental concerns promptly, leading to overall well-being.


  • When considering dental insurance, weighing the premiums’ cost against the coverage level offered is crucial. While comprehensive coverage may come with higher premiums, it can provide greater financial protection in the long run, especially for extensive dental procedures. It’s essential to carefully assess your dental needs and budget to determine the most suitable insurance plan.
  • Many dental insurance plans have waiting periods, which are specific periods that must pass before certain benefits become available. During this waiting period, you may not be able to receive certain types of dental treatments or procedures, depending on the specific terms of your insurance plan. It’s important to understand the details of your coverage and the duration of any waiting periods so that you can plan your dental care accordingly. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage and waiting periods, it’s best to contact your insurance provider for clarification.
  • Some dental insurance plans have annual limits on the amount of dental work you can receive, which can be a problem if you need extensive dental work. Reviewing your insurance policy to understand any limitations in coverage is essential. If you anticipate needing extensive dental work that may exceed the annual limit, it’s worth discussing your options with your dentist and the insurance provider. They can guide financial planning or alternative treatment options to ensure you receive the necessary care while maximizing your insurance benefits.
  • Dental insurance plans often differ in terms of coverage for various dental services. For example, some plans may not cover cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as teeth whitening or porcelain veneers. Reviewing the specifics of your dental insurance plan to understand which services are covered and which may require out-of-pocket expenses is essential. If you’re considering a particular dental procedure, checking with your insurance provider beforehand is a good idea to clarify coverage details.

At, we understand the importance of finding the right dental insurance plan for you and your family. Our member service line at 310-534-3444 is staffed with experts dedicated to helping you navigate the various plan options available. Whether you’re looking for coverage for routine check-ups, major procedures, or orthodontic treatment, our team is here to guide you in selecting the best plan that aligns with your needs and budget. We are committed to providing you with the necessary information to make an informed decision about your dental insurance coverage.

Braking Down Waiting Periods.

Waiting periods are a common feature in dental PPO or Indemnity insurance plans, although, with a few exceptions, you may also find waiting periods in HMO plans. Still, this is rare. A waiting period is a specified length of time an individual must wait after enrolling in a dental insurance plan before being eligible to receive benefits for certain procedures. Waiting periods prevent individuals from enrolling in a plan, receiving extensive dental treatment, and discontinuing coverage.

The length of a waiting period can vary depending on the dental insurance plan and the type of service. For example, a plan might enforce a six-month waiting period for basic services and a 12-month waiting period for major services. During the waiting period, the individual is generally responsible for paying the total cost of any dental procedures for which benefits are not yet available under the plan.

Dental insurance plans have waiting periods to manage risk and prevent individuals from taking advantage of the coverage immediately after enrolling. By implementing waiting periods, insurance companies can safeguard against individuals signing up for coverage specifically to address existing dental issues, receiving benefits for extensive treatments, and then discontinuing the coverage, which would result in adverse selection and potential financial losses for the insurance providers.

Waiting periods in dental insurance plans act as a protective measure for the insurance company and its policyholders, ensuring that the system remains sustainable and benefits are used as intended.

Navigating Dental Coverage: Understanding the Differences Between Dental Insurance and Dental Discount Plans

Dental discount plans are typically designed to be standalone alternatives to traditional dental insurance. While most dentists who accept a dental discount plan do not coordinate it with a dental insurance plan, it’s always worth asking your dentist about any options for combining the two.

Dental discount plans typically cannot be used with existing dental insurance coverage. Still, they offer immediate benefits such as no waiting periods and the potential for substantial savings on dental treatments. These plans often cover a broader range of services than traditional dental insurance, including cosmetic procedures and orthodontics. Additionally, individuals can frequently utilize coverage for pre-existing conditions under a dental discount plan.

It’s important to note that while dental discount plans offer significant advantages, they are not insurance plans and differ in their coverage and payment structure. As a result, individuals are still responsible for paying for dental services out-of-pocket. They may encounter restrictions on the number of visits or treatments they can receive in a year. Despite these limitations, taking advantage of discounted dental service prices through a dental discount plan can lead to significant short-term and long-term financial savings, allowing individuals and families to maintain a healthy smile without breaking the bank.

Explore Your Dental Care Options with

At, we offer a range of options for dental insurance and dental discount plans. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision about your dental care, and we are here to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Choosing the right dental plan is essential, and we want to help you make the best decision for your dental care needs. Remember, visit or call us at 310-534-3444 to explore available options!

Are you looking for the right dental insurance plan for you and your family? Our customer service department is here to address any questions and guide you through purchasing an employer, family, or individual dental insurance plan. Count on us to provide access to some of the largest and most reputable individual dental insurance networks nationwide.

At, we specialize in dental insurance, dental discount plans, vision, and prescription coverage programs for individuals, families, and groups. With over three decades of experience serving the dental community since 1983, our licensed dental insurance agents are highly knowledgeable and prepared to assist you in making the right choice. Compare dental insurance plans and find the perfect fit for your family’s dental care needs with our expert guidance.

Many of our dental plans offer next-day benefits, including vision and prescription coverage. At, you can get quotes for individual and family dental insurance plans and even compare national coverage plans to see which best suits your requirements. We understand that buying dental insurance can be overwhelming, but with our help, you can make an informed decision without hassle. It’s worth noting that we offer dental benefit coverage in all 50 states. Trust us to help you find the ideal dental insurance solution without stress.

In conclusion, dental insurance and dental discount plans have their own pros and cons. Understanding these differences is crucial in deciding which option best suits your dental care needs. Whether you choose a dental discount plan or dental insurance, taking proactive steps to maintain good oral health is essential. If you have any further questions or need assistance selecting the best option, please get in touch with us at 310-534-3444 or visit We’re here to help you make the best decision for your dental care needs.

Posted by carol, in Dental Health, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Supplemental Dental, Comments Off on Know the differences between dental insurance and dental discount plans.

Strategic Approaches for Supplementing Dental Insurance Coverage


Question: I urgently need a supplemental dental insurance plan.  Currently, I am covered by a Delta Dental PPO through my job.  I am facing the need to have two wisdom teeth pulled and a root canal on my back molar.   My Delta dental plan has a $1000.00 max yearly limit, which the necessary dental work will exceed. This means I require additional coverage to offset the extra dental costs.  Just the root canal alone will max out my Delta dental plan,  leaving me needing a supplemental dental plan to help with the price of the wisdom teeth extractions.

Reply: To address your dental needs while staying within budget, I recommend exploring the option of purchasing an additional PPO or Indemnity dental plan to supplement your current Delta Dental coverage. By coordinating these plans, you can potentially offset the costs of the necessary dental procedures, such as wisdom teeth extractions and root canals, beyond the existing $1000 yearly limit. This approach allows you to maximize your coverage and significantly reduce the financial impact of the dental work you require, potentially saving you a significant amount of money.

At, we provide PPO insurance plans designed to offer substantial benefits to our members. With a maximum limitation of up to $3000.00 and no waiting periods, our plans are crafted to meet your dental care needs without unnecessary delays. However, it’s important to note that the plan limits benefits paid out during the first year. For example, for major services, the plan pays out 10% in the first year, 40% in the second year, and 50% in the third year. This gradual benefit increase over three years is typical in PPO and Indemnity dental plans.

The plan’s cost will depend on your geographical area, but on average, it runs at around $85.00 per month for an individual. Understanding the plan’s monthly cost and the first-year benefits for major services is crucial in determining if obtaining a secondary plan makes financial sense for you. It’s vital to carefully consider these factors to ensure that the plan aligns with your budget and provides the coverage you need. We’re here to help you understand these aspects and make an informed decision.

We believe that it’s essential for you to be fully informed about your options, which is why we encourage you to reach out to our office at 310-534-3444 to learn more about our dental insurance plans and how we can assist you with your dental care needs. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your dental insurance. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Considering Dental HMO Insurance for Your Dental Needs

Suppose purchasing a secondary insurance plan would not work for your current dental needs due to waiting periods or first-year benefits and costs. In that case, consider exploring a dental HMO insurance plan that offers better benefits than your current one. HMO plans typically cannot be coordinated with other dental insurance plans, yet they are low-cost plans that generally do not have waiting periods or maximum limitations. With an HMO, you pay the scheduled cost of the service covered under the plan, which may be much lower than you would have to pay otherwise.

It’s important to note that you may have to go to a different dentist with an HMO since you must choose a provider under an HMO insurance plan. However, it may still be worth considering if cost is a factor holding you back from receiving your needed dental care.

At, we also offer a few HMO options that we can go over with you. We understand the importance of finding a plan that meets your needs and budget, and we’re committed to helping you explore all your options to ensure you receive the dental care you require without unnecessary financial burden. Feel free to contact our office at 310-534-3444 to discuss our available HMO options and how they can benefit you. We’re here to provide you with the information and support to make the best decision for your dental insurance needs.

Optimizing Your Dental Insurance Coverage: Strategic Timing of Dental Treatments

A strategic approach you could consider is leveraging your maximum limitation to your advantage. By scheduling some of the necessary dental work towards the end of your current policy term and the remainder at the beginning of the new policy term, you may effectively manage your costs without surpassing your maximum limitation. This method could potentially save you money and ensure you make the most of your dental insurance coverage.

However, it’s essential to recognize the potential downside of this approach. By using a significant portion of your maximum limitation in the second year, you could find yourself with limited coverage for new dental needs during the rest of the policy term. This means any additional dental treatments or emergencies that arise during this period may not be fully covered. Discuss this strategy with your dental provider thoroughly and carefully to understand the costs of the services being performed, and ensuring that this approach aligns with your financial and dental care needs is crucial.

Despite this potential drawback, strategically managing the timing of your dental treatments can be a cost-effective solution for addressing your immediate concerns. I encourage you to discuss openly with your dentist to explore whether this type of planning aligns with your specific dental care requirements. By clearly communicating your needs and priorities, you can work together to create a plan that maximizes the benefits of your current dental insurance while ensuring comprehensive coverage for your ongoing dental care needs.

Remember, dental health is a priority, and finding the right approach to managing dental insurance benefits is crucial. Please talk with your dental provider to determine if this strategy would benefit you. Your dentist can provide valuable insight and guidance to help you make an informed decision that supports your dental health and financial well-being.

Maximizing Dental Insurance Coverage: Investing in a Higher Maximum Limitation PPO Plan for Future Needs

Considering your current dental needs, purchasing an individual dental PPO plan with a higher maximum limitation, such as $3000.00, could be a strategic investment to prevent facing similar issues in the future. At, our plan offers a substantial $3000.00 maximum limitation and no waiting periods, which may benefit your future dental care needs. While the first-year benefits may be less lucrative, this plan can provide better coverage for future dental treatments, saving you money in the long run.

Investing in this plan can secure comprehensive coverage for future dental care needs, ensuring that you are adequately protected without exceeding your insurance limits. We understand the importance of having the right dental insurance coverage, and our team is dedicated to helping you find a plan that aligns perfectly with your dental care needs.

To learn more about how our dental PPO plan can benefit you in the long term and provide you with the coverage you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 310-534-3444. We are here to guide you through the process and assist you in finding the ideal dental insurance solution for your long-term oral health needs.

Managing Dental Costs: Discussing Flexible Payment Options with Your Dentist

When you hit the yearly limitation of your current dental insurance plan and your preferred dentist does not accept dental HMO, it’s essential to consider your options carefully. While upgrading to a better PPO dental plan could provide more comprehensive coverage for future dental needs, it may not fully address your immediate requirements. One alternative worth exploring is discussing with your dentist the possibility of setting up affordable monthly payments for the remaining dental care costs not covered by your insurance.

Even though you would still be paying out of pocket, spreading the payments over several months could make it more manageable than paying the entire sum upfront. Many dentists are open to working with patients to create a payment plan that allows them to receive the necessary dental treatments without facing financial strain.

Initiating a conversation with your dentist about flexible payment options can be a persuasive and proactive approach to securing the care you need. By explaining your situation and demonstrating your commitment to caring for your dental health, you can come to an agreement that works for you and your dentist.

It’s essential to express the value of maintaining a positive and ongoing relationship with your dentist while seeking a viable solution for managing the cost of your dental care. This collaborative approach can pave the way for a mutually beneficial arrangement that prioritizes your oral health and practically addresses the financial aspect. You and your dentist can work towards a solution that allows you to proceed with the necessary dental treatments without undue financial burden.

Reaching out to your dentist to discuss payment options demonstrates your commitment to oral healthcare and can lead to a positive outcome. Having an open dialogue with your dental provider shows that you are willing to take responsibility for your dental care and can result in a workable arrangement that facilitates access to the treatment you need.

Ultimately, making an informed decision about dental insurance coverage is vital to ensuring dental care needs are met without significant financial strain. With the right combination of plans, strategic timing, and careful consideration of costs and benefits, you can optimize your coverage and minimize out-of-pocket expenses. Whether you explore supplemental PPO or Indemnity plans, consider low-cost HMO alternatives, or strategically time your treatments, our team at is here to assist you every step. Feel free to contact us at 310-534-3444 to learn more about your options and how we can help you achieve the best dental insurance coverage for your needs. We’re dedicated to providing the information and support necessary to make a confident and strategic decision about your dental insurance.

Posted by carol, in Dental Care, Dental Health, Dental Insurance, Dental Insurance Plans, Dentists, Comments Off on Strategic Approaches for Supplementing Dental Insurance Coverage

Dental insurance and finding a good dentist.


Dental insurance and finding a good dentist.   I need dental insurance and looking for an affordable plan.   I see on your website that HMO seem to be with my price range.  Since I do not have a current dentist having to pick one within a plan is not an issue.  What is an issue is how do I know I picking a good dentist?  Does the company refer dentist that are the best one in the plan?

Posted by admin, in Dentists, Comments Off on Dental insurance and finding a good dentist.

Dental care, Dental Hygienist


Dental care, Dental Hygienist,  what is the average dental Hygienist salary?  II am  eighteen and I am thinking about becoming a dental hygienist.  I would like to have  some idea of how much the average salary for a dental hygienist.

Dental Hygienist is a job that seems cool and I like working with people.  However, I still want the job to at least pay well enough to make a good living. I have thinking a lot about becoming an dental hygienist because I really like the dental hygienist that I been seeing now since I was ten. She is really nice and she says that she really likes her job. I did not think it would be right for me to ask how much she makes. So information on this would be great.

Posted by admin, in Dentists, Comments Off on Dental care, Dental Hygienist

Increasing cost of dental health care, Need help


I have always gone to the dentist twice a year to get my check up and cleaning.  The thing is my dentist use to only charge me $50.00 for a cleaning and $25.00 for X-rays when needed.  Now that cost almost three times a much.  It seems every time I go to the dental office they are charging me more.  I called around thinking it was just them but it seems to be the going rate.  I just do not get why having to have dental care is getting so costly and out of control.  No wonder why people have bad teeth.   They can not afford dental care.

Posted by admin, in Cleaning, Dental Help, Dentists, Comments Off on Increasing cost of dental health care, Need help

Dental health care, bad toothache need dental health care


I have a bad toothache.  I called a few local dentist in my area and was told I could have go to them but without insurance I may be having a big bill.  They told me normally by the time you start to feel pain you will need to have major dental work done on that tooth.

So I was told that I would be better off finding dental insurance before having my tooth fixed.  Okay but I need a plan that start almost from the time I sign up for it.  I can not deal long with this  toothache what should I be looking for?

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Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Tooth Aches, Comments Off on Dental health care, bad toothache need dental health care

California Dental Insurance, What is an estimated cost for dental care


I am a part time student and part time worker.  I do not have any dental insurance and need to have an estimated cost idea for dental services.  Need dental help ASAP since I am in pain.

Two of my back molars are killing me.  One of the molars has a really bad cavity. The other molar  filling came out three weeks ago and is now causing me to have dental pain in that tooth as well.

The pain is really effective my daily life at school and at home.  The pain goes from the side of my face up to my head.  Forget about eating anything that is not very soft.   I know I need some major dental care.

This is effecting my confidence and is ruining my life.  I need help in finding cheap dental insurance and a low cost dental office and a ways to go about  paying for my dental services.  I would love an idea of  how much all this would cost me.  Thanks

Get California Dental Insurance Quotes Online — Find the Best Dental Plan Now!

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Filings, Tooth Aches, Comments Off on California Dental Insurance, What is an estimated cost for dental care

Dental Health Care, Dental care with no dental insurance


My fiance has been in very bad pain due to a rotten tooth that broke four days ago.  He went to the hospital which gave him some pain killers and antibiotics but that is all.  They told him to have the tooth pulled of fixed he will need to see a dentist.

So he does not have tooth pain while he takes the pain killers but he does not have dental insurance to fix the tooth.  Without dental insurance he is worried that it would be to pricey to have his tooth fixed.

We are not sure what to do to get his tooth fixed.  We really need low cost dental care but we do not want to just go to any cheep dentist if they do not do good dental work.  Please help

Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Tooth Aches, Comments Off on Dental Health Care, Dental care with no dental insurance

Dental Insurance, on Medicaid and need dental help


I am on my family Medicaid plan. Even though their Medicaid plan covers everything including dental I am finding out that 99% of the dentist out there do not accept Medicaid plans.  I can not find one dentist that takes my family’s Medicaid plan.

I have a really bad tooth that is decaying to the point that you can see the decay and it really starting to hurt.  I am seventeen and my parents can not afford to have my tooth fixed.  Is there any other type of low cost plan my parents can get so that I can have my tooth fixed?

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Comments Off on Dental Insurance, on Medicaid and need dental help

Dental heath care, Dental Health Pre-existing conditions


Do to a job change I no longer have dental insurance.  It is very important that I maintain dental insurance for my health care.  I have diabetes and because of my diabetes I have on and off again problems with my teeth.

I have problems mostly with my gums but I also get many cavities due to being a diabetic.  I have to see my dentist every three months just so I can keep my teeth in good shape.  So I would like to know if getting dental insurance is going to be a problem with having diabetes?

Also I do not want to change dentist since mine knows about my diabetes and I like the way he takes care of me.  I do not know where to look for dental insurance and I want to make sure I will be covered for my future dental needs.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, Comments Off on Dental heath care, Dental Health Pre-existing conditions

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