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Archive for the 'Cavities' Category

Dental Insurance Healthcare – Spreading Cavities


Parents can spread cavities to their babies. 

Studies have been done regarding the transmission of cavity-causing bacteria from parent to baby and have been published for over 20 years. The main culprit is Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria that can pass from person to person through the transfer of saliva, such as sharing utensils, blowing on food, and, yes, even kissing your baby.

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Teeth health care, what is Tooth Decay?


Teeth health care, what is Tooth Decay? Tooth decay is the destruction of the outer surface of a tooth from acid forming bacteria that is produced by food containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches).

Tooth Decay Prevention: Brush your teeth twice a day with a tooth paste that contains fluoride. Preferably, brush after each meal and before bedtime to help reduce the bacteria from staying on your teeth for a certain length of time.

You may wish to consider these helpful tips as well:

Floss your teeth daily to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Check with your dentist regarding the use of a supplemental fluoride which strengthens your teeth and helps prevents tooth decay.

Consider dental sealants which is a plastic like substance placed on the top of molars to protect the teeth from decay.

Use mouth wash with fluoride. Many of them kill 50% or more of the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Chewing gum with the ingredient Xylitol © may also kill some of the bacteria which causes tooth decay.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Teeth health care, what is Tooth Decay?

Connecticut Dental Health care plan for sensitive back molar

Connecticut Dental Health care plan for sensitive back molar. I have this one back tooth that when I scratch it, it will cause me to have pain.  It is also very sensitive to hot and cold temperature foods.
I have a filling in that tooth so I am not sure if it is coming out or if I have a new cavity.   Not sure want to do because I do not have dental insurance and my friends tell me it is too late for me to get any now, since they will have waiting periods.  Can you please advise if  you have any plan suggestions.
Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Connecticut Dental Health care plan for sensitive back molar

Dental health care for a tooth filling that was done


Dental health care for a tooth filling that was done. A week ago my dentist did a filling for me on my bottom back molar.  Ever since I had the filling done when I eat sweets I get a really bad toothache in that same tooth.  This is something new going on with this tooth and I want to know is it something my dentist did wrong?  Should I go back to the dentist to make him correct this issue.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Dental health care for a tooth filling that was done

Dental care in Florida, I keep getting cavities.


Dental care in Florida, I keep getting cavities.  I am 21 and I keep getting cavities every year no matter how good I take care of my teeth.  I am not sure why.  I brush and floss like I should and yet each year when I go to the dentist I am told I have yet another cavity to be filled.  I do not know what I am doing wrong but this is upsetting to me.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Dental care in Florida, I keep getting cavities.

Virginia dental insurance for three cavities


My teenage daughter has three cavities two that are small but also a larger size cavity that needs to be address as soon as possible.  I just found out that our current dental insurance is not current.  And that it was cancelled two months ago do to a bank error. 

Although they will write a new plan for me I would have to have the waiting periods all over which personally I think is messed up.  So I am shopping out for a dental plan that my daughter can use now and have her needed filling done as quickly as possible.  Can you help me?

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Virginia dental insurance for three cavities

Dental insurance, Are white fillings unnoticeable and are the covered under dental insurance


I been looking at many different denal insurance dental plans.  I know I need to have at least two filling since the last time I spoke to a dentist and never had the work done.  I want to pick up dental insurance but I want to make sure they offer coverage for white fillings. However I do not see where they show for white fillings.   I want to make sure that people can not tell that I had a filling done so silver is out of the question.  Please advise.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Dental insurance, Are white fillings unnoticeable and are the covered under dental insurance

Dental care, question about cavities


I think I may have a cavity but not sure.  What does a cavity look like?  I notice a little black spot on my tooth the other day and have not been able to brush or floss it off.   It does not hurt but I worried that I have a cavity.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Dental care, question about cavities

California Dental Insurance, What is an estimated cost for dental care


I am a part time student and part time worker.  I do not have any dental insurance and need to have an estimated cost idea for dental services.  Need dental help ASAP since I am in pain.

Two of my back molars are killing me.  One of the molars has a really bad cavity. The other molar  filling came out three weeks ago and is now causing me to have dental pain in that tooth as well.

The pain is really effective my daily life at school and at home.  The pain goes from the side of my face up to my head.  Forget about eating anything that is not very soft.   I know I need some major dental care.

This is effecting my confidence and is ruining my life.  I need help in finding cheap dental insurance and a low cost dental office and a ways to go about  paying for my dental services.  I would love an idea of  how much all this would cost me.  Thanks

Get California Dental Insurance Quotes Online — Find the Best Dental Plan Now!

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Filings, Tooth Aches, Comments Off on California Dental Insurance, What is an estimated cost for dental care

Do bites correct faster with your wisdom teeth out?


If your orthodontist is advising you to get them pulled asap, maybe it is because they are currently doing damage to your other teeth (making them crooked) or they will do damage to your teeth.

If you are not 100% clear on why your orthodontist is saying to have them pulled. Then asked them. Getting them out may not make anything faster but will prevent problems with your teeth while you are in braces and after they are removed.

Hope this has helped

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Cleaning, Complaints, Cosmetic, Dental Insurance, Dental News, Filings, General News, Comments Off on Do bites correct faster with your wisdom teeth out?

How much are tooth extractions


I always recommend you to speak to the dentist that is doing the work and ask him/her any questions you may have before and after. Not only does that help you in understanding what is expected from you but helps the dentist in treating you. They normally will give you some type of care instructions that they feel is right for you

I hope this has help you.

Posted by admin, in ADA Codes, Braces, Bridges, Cavities, Cleaning, Complaints, Cosmetic, Crowns, Dental Health News, Tooth Aches, Comments Off on How much are tooth extractions

Dental insurance, I need a really affordable dental insurance plan.


I have some dental cavities in three teeth and do not have dental insurance.  I am going though a financial crisis since I just lost my job two months ago.   I am on a waiting list to get another job and well as I do odd jobs for money.  All of which does not offer me dental insurance like I had when I was working

I need something that is not only affordable for me to buy but that will offer me good dental coverages for the filling I need.  Advise please.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Comments Off on Dental insurance, I need a really affordable dental insurance plan.

Dental Insurance, on Medicaid and need dental help


I am on my family Medicaid plan. Even though their Medicaid plan covers everything including dental I am finding out that 99% of the dentist out there do not accept Medicaid plans.  I can not find one dentist that takes my family’s Medicaid plan.

I have a really bad tooth that is decaying to the point that you can see the decay and it really starting to hurt.  I am seventeen and my parents can not afford to have my tooth fixed.  Is there any other type of low cost plan my parents can get so that I can have my tooth fixed?

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Comments Off on Dental Insurance, on Medicaid and need dental help

Dental heath care, Dental Health Pre-existing conditions


Do to a job change I no longer have dental insurance.  It is very important that I maintain dental insurance for my health care.  I have diabetes and because of my diabetes I have on and off again problems with my teeth.

I have problems mostly with my gums but I also get many cavities due to being a diabetic.  I have to see my dentist every three months just so I can keep my teeth in good shape.  So I would like to know if getting dental insurance is going to be a problem with having diabetes?

Also I do not want to change dentist since mine knows about my diabetes and I like the way he takes care of me.  I do not know where to look for dental insurance and I want to make sure I will be covered for my future dental needs.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, Comments Off on Dental heath care, Dental Health Pre-existing conditions

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