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Dental care, Dental Hygienist


Dental care, Dental Hygienist,  what is the average dental Hygienist salary?  II am  eighteen and I am thinking about becoming a dental hygienist.  I would like to have  some idea of how much the average salary for a dental hygienist.

Dental Hygienist is a job that seems cool and I like working with people.  However, I still want the job to at least pay well enough to make a good living. I have thinking a lot about becoming an dental hygienist because I really like the dental hygienist that I been seeing now since I was ten. She is really nice and she says that she really likes her job. I did not think it would be right for me to ask how much she makes. So information on this would be great.

Posted by admin, in Dentists, Comments Off on Dental care, Dental Hygienist

Dental care, Tooth extraction done left with stitches


Dental care, Tooth extraction done left with stitches.  I would  like to know about how long will it take for stitches to dissolve that the dentist put in after having two teeth extractions. I have six stitches in the back of my mouth and they are bugging the heck out of me.  I just had the two teeth pulled out yesterday.   And I am more bother with the stitches then of the slight tooth pain I still have.


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Dental Care, What to do for healthy teeth


Dental Care, What to do for healthy teeth.  Eat healthy foods Fruits, vegetables, nuts, cheese and milk are foods for strong, healthy teeth. Foods with a lot of sugar are can be bad for teeth. Sugars in food stick to the teeth and bacteria (germs) gather in the sugar and cause plaque. Plaque can melt the surface of teeth and cause decay.

Brushing and flossing teeth keeps them clean and healthy. Brushing and flossing removes
bits of food and plaque. Plaque is germs which can make teeth rot or decay. After each meal is a good time to brush or floss teeth but they should be brushed at least twice each day.


Posted by admin, in Dental Care, Comments Off on Dental Care, What to do for healthy teeth

Dental care, Flossing with braces


Dental care, Flossing with braces.  How do you floss with braces on.  I am new to having to have braces on and I have the ugly metal ones.  The last time I went my orthodontic dental office for a check up, my dentist got on my case  about how I am not flossing. I told him I am trying to floss the best I can and he told me my best is not good enough.  (Big Jerk)

The thing is the floss barely fits behind my back teeth, how am I going to get it to go around the braces. I just wine up having the floss get stuck in my braces. The whole thing is a pain since my mom is also tripping about me flossing. It gettng to the point that I do not even like having to floss.

Posted by admin, in Braces, Comments Off on Dental care, Flossing with braces

Dental care, My mom’s temporary crown just came off


So my mom had a root canal done a few days ago and they put a temporary crown on the tooth until her crown comes in.  She is due to go back to the dentist for her crown in three days.  However her temporary crown just came off.  Is this an emergency?  Should I have her go to the dentist before her appointment?  I would call the dentist but they are closed for the rest of the day.

Posted by admin, in Crowns, Comments Off on Dental care, My mom’s temporary crown just came off

Dental care, I am Getting 4 teeth extracted


I will be getting all for wisdom teeth pulled and I am not sure what to expect.  Never having any type of major dental work done before I am nevus about the process.  Will I be in a lot of pain?  Should I be asking for more then just two days off afterwords.  Any information would be good so thank you in advance.

Posted by admin, in Extractions, Comments Off on Dental care, I am Getting 4 teeth extracted

Dental care, Bad breath and way to rid myself from it


I am so embarrassed to see the doctor or dentist about my bad breath issues but even so I do.  My dentist tells me my teeth and gums are fine.  I  have no cavites or do I have any signs of gum disease.  My doctor gave me a prescription for stronger mouth wash but it really did not help.

I brush my teeth and floss all the time two the four times a day but an hour after my breath is back to being bad.  I tired of it and at lost to what to do.

Posted by admin, in Hygiene, Comments Off on Dental care, Bad breath and way to rid myself from it

Dental care, White streak on my front tooth


I have had this white streak on my front tooth and I really dislike it.  I makes my teeth look funny and I do  not know what to do about it.  I though I could use whitening strips to lighten my teeth and maybe not have it look so bad but it did not really work out that way.  I have a dental appointment but I am worried about what it can be.

Posted by admin, in Whitening, Comments Off on Dental care, White streak on my front tooth

Dental care, Jaw pain due to wisdom teeth


About two months ago my dentist advise me that I should think about removing my wisdom teeth eventually but she never really said when.  Now my bottom jaw is starting to hurt.  I think maybe it has something to do with the wisdom teeth coming in.  I can feel the tip of a tooth coming in towards the bottom right side of my mouth.   Is this why my jaw is hurting now?  How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth?

Posted by admin, in Extractions, Comments Off on Dental care, Jaw pain due to wisdom teeth

Dental care, I hit my tooth should I be worried


I hit my tooth while I was messing round with a few of my friends.  I really hurt for like five or so minutes but now it feels fine.  It does not seem lose or anything should I still tell my mom about it or am I making a big deal over nothing.


Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Dental care, I hit my tooth should I be worried

Dental care, Getting over dental fears


I have not been to the dentist in over two years.  I am very scared about going to the dentist so it keeps me from going even though I have dental insurance though my job.  The last time I went to a dentist he did two filling and it really hurt.

I do not think having filling should hurt and when I told him he really did not do anything about it. He treated me like a kid and I did not like it.  I do not know if anything wrong with my teeth now but how can I find a good dentist that is not so damn scary

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental care, Getting over dental fears

Dental care, question about cavities


I think I may have a cavity but not sure.  What does a cavity look like?  I notice a little black spot on my tooth the other day and have not been able to brush or floss it off.   It does not hurt but I worried that I have a cavity.

Posted by admin, in Cavities, Comments Off on Dental care, question about cavities

Dental care, Greying adult teeth


My dad is in his late fifty’s and his teeth are looking gray.  He has all his teeth and does not have any cavities but his teeth are just getting greyer as he ages.  Is that normal?  And will getting his teeth whiten help this issue?  Just wondering because if it would help I would pay for him to have whitening treatments.

Posted by admin, in Dental Help, Comments Off on Dental care, Greying adult teeth

Dental care, taking proper care of baby teeth


I am going to be a new mom in a few months.  I have always had bad teeth when I was a child.  I was lucky not to have to many issues with my adult teeth.  My husband was the same way he had bad baby teeth.  His adult teeth being okay though he still sometimes get a cavity here or there.

I not sure if we had bad baby teeth because our parents did not take care of our baby teeth correctly or if it was just in our jeans to have bad baby teeth.   I would like to do every thing I can to make sure my child baby teeth stay healthy.  Any suggestion or tips would be nice thank you

Posted by admin, in Dental Care, Comments Off on Dental care, taking proper care of baby teeth

Dental care, What types of foods can I eat with braces


I would like to know what types of food I can eat when I frist get my braces on?  And what types of food can I no longer eat once I get my braces on?   Like I said in a proir post I am 100 percent new to having braces.  I am not really looking forward to them being on but I know it will make my teeth so much better.  Any additional advise on take care of braces would be great.   Thanks

Posted by admin, in Braces, Comments Off on Dental care, What types of foods can I eat with braces

Dental care, Teeth Bonding and Whitening Treatment


One of my front teeth has a small chip and a slight crack.  I have been really careful not to damage it any further but I would like to have the dentist bond the tooth so I do not have to worry so  much about it.

However I also want to whiten my teeth and I am told I should do this first.  I will be getting them whiten in the mall.  After having the whitening treatment,  how long should I wait until I go to the dentist to have my tooth bonded ?

Posted by admin, in Whitening, Comments Off on Dental care, Teeth Bonding and Whitening Treatment

Dental care, Tight fitting retainers.


This is going out there to people that had retainers after their braces was taken off.  I just had my braces removed and now have a removable  top retainer.  I am supposed to take them off while eating but when I try to take out my retainer, it is very hard for me to do.  I feel as if I am pulling out my teeth with the stupid retainer.

I only had them now for about a week so I am not sure if they are like shoes and stretch out over time   or if it just normal for them to be this tight.  Should I go back to the orthodontic dentist or  not worry about it?

Posted by admin, in Braces, Comments Off on Dental care, Tight fitting retainers.

Dental care, Wisdom teeth infection.


My boyfriend had his wisdom teeth pulled out about seven months ago.  Everything has been fine until just the other day when the back of his mouth really started hurting and swelling up.  It looks like it may be an abscess from where one of the wisdom tooth was taken out.

He is currently in a lot of pain but his mom is telling him to wash out his mouth with Listerine.  It not helping but she does not seem to want to take him to the dentist.   What can he do?

Posted by admin, in Tooth Aches, Comments Off on Dental care, Wisdom teeth infection.

Dental Care, Wobbly tooth in the back and little scared.


Please HELP.  I am 15 and I have not yet told my mom that a tooth in the back is a little wobby.  I not sure if it is still just a baby tooth coming out.  Though I think I lost all of those by now.  If I say anything to my mom she will make me go to the dentist and am terrified of going to the dentist.  Is there anything I can do to make it not be wobbly ?

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental Care, Wobbly tooth in the back and little scared.

Dental care, Braces or Invisaligns


I am going on 27 and I have the chose between Braces (standard metal) or Invisaligns.  Since either way I am paying out of pocket for my braces since the plan I get though work does not cover adult braces  insurance is not an issue.

Even cost is not all that much more for Invisaligns.  I am just told that Invisaligns are a bit of a pain how you have to take them on an off just to eat anything.  I can just see me forgetting them some where how bad would that be..    Metal braces are kind of ugly though and at 27 would I really look stupid or something?  Which would be better to get?

Posted by admin, in Braces, Comments Off on Dental care, Braces or Invisaligns

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