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Dental Insurance Healthcare – Other Causes of Gingivitis

Sunday, Nov. 13th 2022 6:49 AM

Although most common cause of gingivitis is the accumulation of bacterial plaque between and around the teeth. There are other cause and risk factors listed below:

Hormones Changes: This may occur during puberty, menopause, the menstrual cycle, and pregnancy. The gingiva might become more sensitive, raising the risk of inflammation.

Some Diseases: Diseaseas like Cancer, diabetes, and HIV are linked to a higher risk of gingivitis. Drugs: Oral health may be affected by some medications, especially if saliva flow is reduced. Dilantin, an anticonvulsant, and some anti-angina medications can cause abnormal growth of gum tissue. Smoking: Regular smokers more commonly develop gingivitis, compared with non-smokers. Age: The risk of gingivitis increases with age.

Family History: Those whose parent or parents have had gingivitis have a higher risk of developing it too. This is thought to be due to the type of bacteria we acquire during our early life.If you have some of these risk factors make sure to talk them over with your dentist in order to maintain good dental health care.

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