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Archive for the 'Dental Fear' Category

Dental Health Care, Bad Teeth Causing Anxiety and Panic Attacks.


Dental Health Care, Bad Teeth Causing Anxiety and Panic Attacks. I am only twenty five with very bad yellow teeth. I been to the dentist and I have no cavities. I brush my teeth and use tooth paste with whiting. However affordable seems to work in whitening my bad looking teeth.

I hate my teeth.  I look like I do not take care of my teeth and makes me not want to smile. I have dental insurance but they will not pay claims for teeth whitening or having veneers. I really do have anxiety’s and panic attacks over how my teeth look. I need help but not sure where to find any.

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental Health Care, Bad Teeth Causing Anxiety and Panic Attacks.

Dental healt care, How do you handle Dental Anxiety


I have a high dental anxiety.   It is not so much that I feel as if the dentist is going to hurt me or that he or she is going to mess up my teeth either.  I do not dislike dentist either.   I know that they are only doing there job which is helping me have good oral health.

However I get sick once I get into a dental office I start to sweat  and get nervous.  I really do not like the feel of a dental office.  Not the waiting room nor when  you do finally get in the chair.  In fact it is worse once I am in the chair to be seen.

How do I deal with the sight and sounds of the dentist?   I mean the light is glaring you in the face and the dentist tools sound the worst.  I think this is most of my issues but it does keep me from going to the dentist like I know I should.

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental healt care, How do you handle Dental Anxiety

Dental cleaning, Do not want to go to the dentist.


I have to go to the dentist this week for my check up and cleaning.  My mom is making me go and I do not want to.  I hate going to the dentist.   That way I brush my teeth like three to four times a day and I am always flossing once in the morning before school and normally after dinner.   I take really good care of my teeth so there is no reason to have to go to the dentist.  However my mom is still making me go she says I am acting like a baby and I am too old to be scared of the dentist.  What can I do I can not help it if I do not like dental offices.

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental cleaning, Do not want to go to the dentist.

Dental care, Getting over dental fears


I have not been to the dentist in over two years.  I am very scared about going to the dentist so it keeps me from going even though I have dental insurance though my job.  The last time I went to a dentist he did two filling and it really hurt.

I do not think having filling should hurt and when I told him he really did not do anything about it. He treated me like a kid and I did not like it.  I do not know if anything wrong with my teeth now but how can I find a good dentist that is not so damn scary

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental care, Getting over dental fears

Getting dental care done at a dental school.


I have a few dental issues.  I know my teeth are starting to hurt me but I have not been to a dentist in over three years.  I have very little extra money and everyone is telling me to go to a dental school for the work I am need since I do not have insurance and I am not sure I can afford to get any.

I know that by going to a dental school I may save money and get my dental work done at a much more affordable cost to me but I am scared.  I been to a hair cutting school and they really messed up but at least hair grows back.  Is it really save going to a dental school?  I rather much have a real dentist do the work but what can a low income person like me do.   Living in Florida

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Getting dental care done at a dental school.

Dental Care, Wobbly tooth in the back and little scared.


Please HELP.  I am 15 and I have not yet told my mom that a tooth in the back is a little wobby.  I not sure if it is still just a baby tooth coming out.  Though I think I lost all of those by now.  If I say anything to my mom she will make me go to the dentist and am terrified of going to the dentist.  Is there anything I can do to make it not be wobbly ?

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental Care, Wobbly tooth in the back and little scared.

Dental health care, Two rotten teeth.


I have two rotten teeth in the back of my mouth.  One of the teeth is more the half gone since I broke it awhile back.   I know I must have an infection going on at this point because I have this fowl taste in my mouth all the time.

I have dental insurance though work that I have never used. The reason is that I have dental fears.  I can not have someone working on my mouth without it making me upset.   I know I have to go but I am trying to save up enough money to be put to sleep.

How can I help clear up the infection until I can afford to go to the dentist.

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental health care, Two rotten teeth.

Dental Health Care, How do you over come dental fears.


I am a thirty something year old with big time dental fears.  When I was little I had bad baby teeth and had to go to the dentist all the time.  I hated it and the dentist there was uncaring to me.  As soon as I no longer had to be force into going to the dentist I stop going all together.

I have not until now had issues with my teeth but I now do have an on again off again pain in my back teeth.  I know I need to see a dentist but I am scared.  I just know whomever I get is going to be rude to me, and treat me bad for not taking care of my teeth.  My friend said this would not happen but it did in the past so that is all I know.  How do I ease my dental fear enough to be able to see a dentist and fix my aching teeth.

Posted by admin, in Dental Fear, Comments Off on Dental Health Care, How do you over come dental fears.

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