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Dental Healthcare, Why Keep Your Teeth Clean.

Friday, Oct. 7th 2016 6:31 AM

By now many people know that for good at home dental care habits you should brush twice a day floss daily and see your dentist regularly. But why should you take care of your oral health? Here are a few great reasons as to why keeping a healthy mouth is more important than you think:

* Bad Breath/Halitosis: No one really wants to have bad breath by having good oral health care habits you help to prevent Halitosis (Bad Breath)

* Prevent Oral Cancer, Especially if you use Tobacco: By seeing your dentist regularly you help to prevent oral cancer because included in your twice a year cleaning/check up’s your dentist also checks for signs of oral cancer.

* Prevent Gum Disease or Gingivitis: Brushing and flossing regularly greatly reduces your risks of having Gum Disease/Gingivitis

* Prevent Heart Attacks or Strokes: Studies show links between bad oral health and heart attacks and strokes

* To Have a Perfect Smile: We all want to have a great smile if not perfect good oral habits will help you have and keep a great smile.

* To Keep Your Original Teeth: If you have bad oral health habits you increase your risks for tooth decay and gum disease both of which if left untreated can make you lose your teeth.

What you may also want to keep in mind is that Most dental insurance plans will Cover Preventive Dental Services for free to little cost. Making seeing your dentist regularly for your checks very affordable.  Also studies show people with dental insurance tend to make and keep their dental appointments.

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