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Dental Health Care, Proper Denture Care

Saturday, Mar. 26th 2011 9:24 AM

Dental Health Care, Proper Denture Care Proper denture care is important. Dentures even when covered by dental insurance can still be costly so making sure to take proper care of your dentures will help them last longer and safe you money in having to have them replaces sooner then necessary.

You will want to use a soft bristle toothbrush in order to avoid damaging your dentures. You still need to brush your dentures carefully. Make sure you are careful not to damage the surface of your dentures or bend the attachments. You can clean your dentures is by using over the counter denture cleansers available in most food stores.

Although you can use regular toothpaste I suggest avoiding them since dentures are sensitive and you can easy damage their surface, with abrasive toothpaste. Another cleaning option for dentures is by using an ultrasonic denture cleanser. However I suggest making sure you buy one that has been proven safe.

Do not use bleach when cleaning your dentures. Also do not use vinegar as it can cause your dentures to dry out. Do not use house hold cleaners. Though there are some people that will use mild hand soup or dish soup I would not suggest doing so. If you do make sure you rinse them thoroughly under the faucet with warm to cool water.


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