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Need dental insurance that covers for dental veneers in California

Wednesday, Feb. 16th 2011 5:19 PM

Need dental insurance that covers for dental veneers in California.  My wife was a smoker for many years and one of the things I promised her was that we would pay to get her teeth fixed if she quite smoking for at least two years. 

I am really proud that my wife was able to stop smoking she was almost a chain smoker so it was important to me to get her to quit.  Well it has been three years and I have been saving money for her to get her teeth  fixed.  She had her first consultation and was told in the front teeth she would need to get  dental veneers since her teeth are so bad stained.

For the back teeth she will be having a few crowned  and the rest are okay but for the most part it like she will be getting every tooth worked on.  Little to say this is going to be very costly but I told her I would keep my word to her and fix up her teeth.  Now I only need some help do you have any dental plan that help cover this time of major dental care without making my wife wait another year or more?

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