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Pennsylvania Dental Insurance, What to do about a missing tooth clause

Wednesday, Dec. 1st 2010 10:16 AM

I am a army vet and although I get some dental coverages though the Vet Affairs dental reimbursement program.  I am having a hard time getting any help for my missing tooth that I have and will need to get a dental implant.

The costs for the dental implant exceeds  dental reimbursement program fee schedule so I am not going to get anything reimbursed to me.  I have been fighting this for over a year and know I am going no where with it.

Now I have been trying to look for dental insurance but coming out empty there  too, since they say I fall under a missing tooth clause.  I also finding out many dental insurance plans do not offer coverage for implants and the missing tooth clause keep me from having coverage for a bridge or partial which I really do not want.

I would like some help here which no one seems to be able to do.  Would love some advise on how to go about having my dental care done at an affordable cost to me.

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