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Dental health care, dental services for aids patient

Friday, Sep. 10th 2010 8:38 AM

Please give me helpful advise I can pass onto my friend.    My friend was told he has aids over four years ago.  All things consider he is in good health and spirits.  He has a wonderful health care and he love his doctors.

The problem is he has not seen a dentist since he was told about having aids.  His teeth are starting to give him issues but he worries about how he will be treated.   He did have a bad phone experience once when he called a dental office about treatment.  (Too long to get into what happen but it made him feel really bad)

Are there dentist that know how to deal better and treat aids patients without making them feel bad?   I tell him that it was only one dental office and he should still try to see about others.  I would love to give his some good advise on how to look for a good dentist.

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